Chapter 51 - Baby Zabini

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Draco's POV:
"I knew he was gay I think," Ginny hiccups leaning on me, i try to brush the clearly very tipsy girl off of my suit incase it is marked with bodily fluids. And trying to move towards Hermione, Percy and the parents who seem to be having an interesting political conversation.
"I'm not gay," Harry snaps from across the room his mouth full of the treacle tart I requested especially for him. The outburst catches the eye of the others who smile in an amused way.
I raise my eyebrows at him and he quickly grabs a plate to put underneath his half eaten slice.
He waves his hand over the floor removing the crumbs.
"He's in proper denial, he's already said he'll only ever be with Draco and as feminine as he is that's pretty gay," Ron sniggers to George who winks me.
"Maybe Draco is so good looking he transcends gender," George flirts shamelessly, Ron groans and gags and Mrs Weasleys eye brows shoot to her hairline.
"I think you are correct George," I say smirking back at him and he winks again holding up his drink to me before taking a sip.
"I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you to stay away from what's mine George but I am getting sick of it," Harry snaps protectively.
"Just a bit of harmless flirting," he teases at the same time as I question Harry.
"What's yours?" I narrow my eyes at him and he smirks.
"Yes, what's mine," he growls grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling him back into him and keeping me there despite the height difference.
He rests his head on my shoulder standing on his tiptoes to kiss my temple.
"See he wasn't like that with me, or Cho, I asked her, Draco's special," Ginny giggles and I roll my eyes at her, she's clearly less reserved under the influence of alcohol.
"Ridiculous," I say making sure the smirk I'm trying to suppress doesn't make it onto my face.
"Rubbish, his dick gets harder than a bloody Arithmancy test from just hearing you speak French," Ginny laughs making George raise his eyebrows at Harry who sighs and Ron groan loudly in disgust.
"So not that hard then," I tease poking my tongue out at her and quickly turning to make sure mother and father didn't see behaviour that is inappropriate.
"Yeah maybe not for you, genius," Ron laughs making Ginny nod in agreement.
"Stop staying rude things in front of Drays parents," Harry snaps making Ginny giggle again.
"Ooooo, scared they'll find out how gay for Draco you are?" she teases in a singing tone.
"I think we all know the answer is quite a lot dear," my mother teases popping up from nowhere.
"I'm rather grateful. I've had to listen to Draco's non stop chatter about Harry since he started at Hogwarts. I'm thankful that Harry returns the sentiment."
"Always," Harry says pushing his face into my neck and inhaling deeply. I feel my face heat up and I know my pale skin is probably slightly pink.
"Harry was always talking about Draco too, even when we are going out. I used to just stare at him and wonder if he knew he was actually saying these  things out loud," the girl giggles making mother raise her eyebrows at Harry.
"Oh really dear, what would he say?" She asks making Harry groan I turn to him smirking evilly.
"What you smirking at Blondie?" Harry snaps pinching my bum.
I try not to react getting a strange look from George who clearly wonders why I jumped slightly.
"All sorts of things, like. 'I wonder how Malfoy manages to keep his hair so nice during quidditch. I wonder if Malfoy knows how he looks nice in sunlight and that's why he smiles more in it.'
And over the break it didn't stop, 'I wonder if Malfoy is okay? I wonder if Malfoy is up to something? I wonder if Malfoy has a good lawyer? What do you think I should say at Malfoy's trial? Do you think Malfoy will be at Hogwarts next year?' Just things like that," Ginny giggles making mother laugh.
"Well I can see how that might have made you suspicious of his feelings towards Draco," mother laughs and Ginny nods smirking.
"Now we reflect on it, it's a bit more obvious. I was so confused that Harry wanted to talk to him at first," Ron laughs and I glare at him.
"Sometimes I still can't believe that you, Harry Potter, like Draco Malfoy," he says shaking his head.
"Like? Like? I bloody love him Ron, I love Draco Malfoy," Harry says, I can hear the eye roll in his voice as his arms wrap around my waist more tightly.
I know I'm smiling smugly but I don't care at all.
"Happy about that?" George teases making Ginny giggle.
"It's alright, I guess," I quip getting another pinch on the arse.
"Help yourselves to more food, I have asked the elves to bring out more of the prawn vol-au-vents that you liked Ronald," mother says making George and Ron grin, thanking her and heading over to the table as if they were waiting for permission to eat more.
"That looks like an interesting drink Ginevra, Draco sorted the drinks so I don't know what they are," she says making Ginny grin.
"It's called a Pornstar martini, it's nice."
"My my, what a creative name," she laughs eyeing me half amused and half disapprovingly.
"Perhaps I should try one," she laughs and Ginny nods following her to the drinks table.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now