Chapter 46- The Potter estate

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Harry's POV:
I watch as Draco sits with Teddy in is lap helping him to unwrap yet another present.
As he had the most gifts and was the youngest we decided to all watch him open presents before doing our own.
"Wow Ted, it's a hippogriff," Draco says holding up the soft toy before nuzzling it into his cheek making him giggle.
"Isn't that good?"
"I thought they were bloody chickens," Ron pipes up and Draco glares at him.
"Ghastly things, one almost killed my son," Lucius says and Narcissa rolls her eyes.
"If you are going to be interacting with wild animals then you can't blame them for being wild animals," she says matter of factly and Charlie nods in agreement.
"That's definitely the way with dragons you have to anticipate every move, otherwise," he pulls up his trouser leg to show large burn marks.
"Got lucky it was only a baby," he laughs and I can't help but smile at the baffled look on Lucius face.
"Well I will remain far away from everything with teeth at wings."
"I agree," draco laughs, "apart from thestrals."
"Oh especially thestrals, all boney," Lucius says with a shudder.
"You are probably the only one here who can't see thestrals Ted, so don't listen to uncle Lucius they are lovely," he says in a baby voice making the boy giggle.
Andromeda smiles sadly holding out her arms.
"Come here Ted so Draco can open his presents."
Draco squeezes him one last time smelling his head before passing him to andromeda.
We start to open our presents, I pull on a new jumper from Molly and Arthur opening sweets from Ron and Hermione and pranks from George.
"Lust aid," I laugh rolling my eyes at George, "I'm not 100, what are you trying to say?"
He sniggers shrugging.
"It's a popular product amongst all ages," he says matter of factly, "lots of positive feedback."
"Ugh George, why have you given him that, he needs a bloody dampener already," Ron groans and Lucius narrows his eyes at me.
"Haha not just him, check in your hampers bothers," he laughs especially at the disturbed expression on percys face when he pulls the vial from his own.
Hermione blushes as Ron rolls his eyes at George and Charlie pockets it with a shrug.
"Honestly George why must you make  these things," Molly tuts making him smile sadly. He makes twice as crazy and out there products now. I think for Fred as well as himself.
"Well I'm rather offended that Arthur and I were left out," Lucius teases making Narcissia roll her eyes and Molly gasp looking to her husband who seems to take it in good humour.
"Did you give me the female version like Ginny and Hermione?" Draco snaps making George giggle and nod.
"So rude, I shouldn't be helping you with potions," Draco grumbles angrily making George smile wider.
"Honestly George giving that to your little sister," Molly scolds clearing away discarded wrapping paper, and narrowing her eyes at her son.
I open a large box from Narcissa and Lucius to reveal an incredible amount of edible dark marks.
I smirk to myself pulling one out of the packet and chopping on it loudly in Draco's ear.
"Eww," he grumbles pushing me away making mother laugh.
"Thank you, Draco is going to be thrilled," I laugh offering them some.
"We have this for you too Harry," Lucius says handing me a photo album.
I smile opening to first page to reveal a very old photo of two wizards in traditional dress laughing together in a garden, the outline of a large house in the background.
I look closely at the men, one has dark hair and dark eyes with a short beard, the other long blonde hair and a slim build.
"That is your great grandfather, Henry Potter, you have his name, and that's Draco's great grandfather, my grandfather, Armand Malfoy."
"This is amazing, thank you so much," I say in awe turning the page to see the same men with their respective wives and children in the background. Draco leans in watching the photos interestedly and the others in the room listen eagerly.
"That's Lucius father, Draco your grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy," Narcissa says pointing towards a small child resembling Lucius.
The small boy is playing with another child with dark hair. "That's your grandfather Harry, Fleamont Potter," Lucius says with a smile.
"I knew they did business together over the potion when they were older but I never knew they were childhood friends," I say in awe looking though more images of the young boys sitting together and running up a path to a grand house. We eventually reach a photo of two boys around 16 sitting together smiling, they bare some resemblance to Draco and I and Draco smiles squeezing my hand.
"This last image shows your father and I as children," Lucius says pointing at a small child playing on a blanket and a baby in a rocking crib next to him, under a large gazebo, Fleamont and Abraxas sitting in a large garden swing with whiskeys in had, two women sitting beside them. The photo is labelled as being taken in Potter Manor gardens in 1960.
"This is my mother, Mariana and your grandmother, Euphemia. The families stopped meeting as much as the women didn't get on. Otherwise your father and I may have grown up together also."
"This is amazing, thank you both so much for this, it is such a thoughtful present. I really do love learning about my family history."
"They look like good friends," Draco says smiling warmly at me looking at a photo of our grandfathers in deep discussion.
"This isn't the present," Lucius laughs pulling a neatly wrapped box from a bag and handing it to me. I open it with Narcissa smiling widely at me.
It holds a large key ring with tonnes of tiny keys a very large one with a crest sitting in the middle.
Draco gasps from beside me as the others look in curiously.
"What is it?" Ron says confused.
"Keys?" Ginny says curiously.
"The house in the background, it was the Potters main estate before Fleamont sold them all. We brought it back for you. It seems only right that the Potters and Malfoy's are there again after all this time," Lucius laughs as the room fills with gasps and mumbling.
"This is.." I struggle to get out how much it means to me and express my gratitude. They shouldn't have done this it's too much.
"This is so nice of you, you really shouldn't have done all that for me." I wipe tears from my eyes as Narcissa pulls me into a tight hug.
"We'd do anything for you and Draco, Harry," she says as I hug her back tightly.
"Yes and look at all the things you have done for us dear boy, I wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for you," Lucius says cheerily patting my back.
Draco joins in with the hug and his father pats him too.
"That was so nice of you mother and father," he says smiling, "I can't wait for us to all go and see it," he says looking round the room excitedly at the smiling and confused looking faces.
We sit back down as Lucius hands me another book with photos of the house, Draco and I flick through it deciding to open our presents from each other later in private as the rest of the room continues opening presents, smiling and thanking each other.

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