Chapter 32 - The Boggart

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-------------/------/Violence warning/----------/-------

Draco's POV:
"Harry we are going to be late for our DADA," I shout for the third time from the sofa, honestly it's like he wants to miss half of the lesson. We've already missed breakfast and I'm so hungry.
He walks into the room buttoning up one of the grey shirts that we brought shopping a few weeks ago.
He looks very handsome today, well everyday I suppose. I head over to him unbuttoning the top three buttons and pulling his Gryffindor robes around his body.
"You know I would have been ready a lot earlier if someone hadn't jumped me this morning and then spent ages in the bathroom," he teases wrapping his strong arms around me and pressing his face into my neck.
"I can't help myself, you are just irresistible," I squeeze his arse gently making him roll his eyes.
"I thought you didn't want to be late Mr. Malfoy, so don't start again. I honestly don't know how you could go again."
"I told you, you are just irresistible," he rolls he eyes again picking up our bags.
"Come on Draco we should make a move."
I nod in agreement smiling at his odd phrasing and linking my arm in his as we head out too the classroom.
The corridors are still fairly busy with students. A large group of 6th years are congregating close to our classroom.
Some girls giggle at we walk past batting their eyelashes as Harry.
"Hiya Harry," a blonde girl says flirtatiously, they are Gryffindors so I'm sure the dynamics are not too similar to the Slytherins, but there is clearly a hierarchy. This girl being at the very top.
"Me and my friends," — my friends and I, I correct her in my head automatically- "...are going swimming in the lake later. You should join us." She puts her hand on his upper arm smiling and leaning close to him looking up at him through her eyelashes. Bitch. I mentally reign myself in, perhaps that could be to harsh. I try to stop myself from scowling at her and keep my face cold and neutral.
"Umm no thanks, I'm quite busy. And I'm sorry but I really don't think that's a good idea to swim in the lake. The giant squid isn't very forgiving and it's absolutely freezing especially at this time of year," he says seeming rather concerned for this girl and her friends. She raises an eyebrow looking at him curiously, then looking at me with a scowl and turning back to her friends.
"That was odd," Harry says as we head down the corridor, "it's literally raining outside who would want to swim in this."
I chuckle at his obliviousness, "she was flirting with you, you pleb. Could you not tell. She wanted you to go skinny dipping with them."
He makes an expression of disgust, turning his nose up.
"Not into the bitchy, wannabe princess type then?" I tease making him roll his eyes.
"Draco I'm with you and only you......bitchy, wannabe princess is obviously very much my thing."
"Oww!" He says with a frown after I hit him on the back of the head. He definitely deserved it.
"What are you two squabbling about?" Hermione says as we round the corner heading over to wait outside the classroom with the rest of the class.
"Draco's beating me up," Harry quips making her frown at me in a condescending way.
"He was asking for it," I shrug making Ron and Neville snigger.
"I can believe that. He does like to wind people up. Especially Ron," Harry grins rather proudly and Neville rolls his eyes at him.
"You do try to annoy people Harry," Ron says and Harry just shrugs leaning against the wall and pulling me close so I'm leaning back onto him.

"Boggarts today, revision from previous years," Hermione says a little too enthusiastically.
Neville pales at the mention of it and I find myself starting to worry about which of the many horrors of my past will show up to haunt me today.
Harry must have noticed how I was feeling as I feel his grip on me tighten.
"Ugh I hate boggarts," Ron groans as we head into the classroom.

"Bonjour class, today we will revisit defence against boggart," Professor Baudelaire says as we take our seats, "you will all have a turn facing a bogart."
"Ugh for fucks sake," I hear Ron groan from the table behind us, followed by the distinctive sound of Hermione kicking him under the table.
"And for zat comment, Mr Weasley, you shall go first," the professor snaps making Harry giggle from beside me.
"Come on form zee line behind Mr Weasley."
Many members of the class groan reluctantly, this lesson can not only be upsetting but also embarrassing. I am thankful Harry and I are not at the beginning of the queue. I'm still not sure what my boggart may be.
Harry holds my upper arm reassuringly as Ron casts the charm on the giant spider in front of him.
"My boggart was my father when I was a child," I say to Harry quietly making him frown.
"I found one when I was playing in one of the attic rooms against instructions. It turned into my father scolding me. I thought it was really him. I was up there for a bit before my mother found me to explain." Harry smiles sadly rubbing my arm and pulling my body slightly closer to his.
"Father was devastated by it. But mother says that it was a good thing that I hadn't seen or heard anything that I had found more terrifying than a telling off."
He nods thoughtfully, "I suppose there is truth to that. I'm sure a lot of children's biggest fear would be getting told off by their parents or teachers. Mines always been dementors."
I feel a twinge of sadness at the memory of teasing Harry about his fear of dementors. Especially as I was also terrified of them.
Hermione easily defeats the fake McGonagall at the front of the room but not before it tells her that she has failed all her exams.
Finnigan steps up to the front as Hermione joins Ron at the back.
A screaming banshee takes form making him start to panic. I hold my ears and I notice Harry and a few others doing the same. Finnigan tries a few times before the screeching finally stops and one of the weird witches songs replaces it. He smirks triumphantly as he heads to the back of the room, clearly very proud of the giggles he managed to cause.
Parvati Patel steps forward defeating the large basilisk turning out into a huge joke box clown just like in third year.
"In what world is that less terrifying?" Harry whispers to me quietly making me giggle.
"I know right? what a freak," I whisper back making him bite his finger to stifle his laughter. I smirk rather happy with myself for making him laugh.

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