Chapter 23 - Marriage and Mozart

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Harry's POV

"Woah! what on earth did I miss?" Draco says returning to the room. He wore black suit trousers with a tight black shirt that was only buttoned about halfway to reveal a long silver chain before bearing the deathly hallows symbol. The belt around his trousers was the dragon hide one I brought for him yesterday, the matching jacket thrown over one shoulder held there by long ringed fingers, his sleeves are only slightly rolled so his mark is mostly hidden but his expensive black watch is exposed. His hair is now straight and pushed back a few strands falling around his face.
"Wow you look great Draco," Neville says making him smile and twirl dramatically.
He winks at Neville flirtatiously causing him to blush awkwardly.
"Oi, who do you think you're winking at you little minx," I scold making space for him next to me.
He rests his jacket over the back of the chair sitting half next to me and half on me.
"Oh so I'm not allowed to wink at anyone am I?" He says batting his eyes innocently as I narrow mine at him. 
"Of course you can Dray, you can wink at me and that's it," I say firmly making him giggle.
"Possessive much," he says flicking my nose gently.
"Hmm you've seen nothing yet," I tease grabbing his thigh gently and making him blush.
"I'm so glad you two have finally admitted your relationship is more than a friendship, but maybe some conversations should be private," Neville groans making us laugh.
"You've finally done what?" Ron says his eyes widening, "I thought something was different."
"We aren't just friends we are together now, only since yesterday and we are taking it slow but it's going well," I say smiling at Draco who nods in agreement.
"Well I'm happy for you both too," Ron says awkwardly, making Draco's eyebrows raise.
"What no comment on how I've made your friend a poofter? Or something equally ridiculous" Draco quips narrowing his eyes at Ron. I know we are supposed to be putting this all behind us but I can't help but feel another rush of affection for Draco as he defends us both.
Ron goes red with embarrassment looking away.
"No, I want Harry to be happy. And I am sorry for what I said in the past about your sexuality, it was incredibly wrong of me. I want you to know that it isn't what I truly believe I was just angry at Harry and scared we were falling apart. I know it isn't an excuse but I only said those horrible things to you to get a reaction from him and I deeply regret it."
Draco looks utterly stunned at his words.
"I am glad for Harry's sake that it isn't what you truly believe and I do hope you will never use comments like that again especially in an argument. I know we have had our differences over the years and I don't blame you for thinking I'm a deatheater or not trusting me. You are definitely not alone on that. I know I have also said some horrible things to you over the years. I am so grateful that Harry, Hermione and Neville have forgiven me for that and I've forgiven them for anything they may have done. Well not you Neville, I'd never get a rise out of you and I'm sorry I tried to for so long," he says turning to look at Neville who waves his hand dismissively saying that all is forgiven.
"Weasley, I do hope that you and I can eventually do the same. We have both said some terrible things to each other and we both had our reasons but I do want to eventually put it behind us. For Harry's sake more than anything," he says taking my hand in his gently.
"I want that too Malfoy, for all of our sakes. I hope we can get over the past however long ago or recent. I know you had your reasons and from the moment we have been back at hogwarts you have apologised.
I am just so sorry that I did the opposite and without valid reason, you didn't deserve it."
"Well to new beginnings?" Draco says nervously holding out his hand. Ron smiles taking it in his.
"To new beginnings," he says firmly.
I catch Hermiones eye, knowing for sure that I'm smiling as widely as she is.
"Hopefully things can go a bit smoother from now on," I say taking Draco's hand in mine. There is a murmur of agreement around the room.
"I'm also sorry for everything else you have to go through Draco, George told Ginny about what those guys said to you the other day and I felt so awful that I could have been put in the same category as them, it made me realise that I didn't want to be that person," Ron says and Hermione rubs his leg gently, I feel like she also had something to do with his realisations.
"I'm sorry too Draco, it was vile what was said to you," she says sadly, I feel myself tense up and I know in clenching my teeth, the fury I feel bubbling up inside me.
"Look at me love," Draco coos turning my face to his, "you don't need to be angry, it's not worth it and everything is perfect." He kisses my lips gently and I relax looking in his silver eyes, it is pretty perfect I think smiling at him.
"I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean to upset you," Hermione says honestly.
"It's okay, it wasn't you, I presume Ginny told all of you what was said I suppose you can see why I was a bit angry," Neville smirks at the understatement and I see Draco throw a warning look in his direction.
"So have you done the Herbology homework for tomorrow mornings lesson?" Neville says quickly changing the subject.
"I have, of course," Draco smirks, "but I won't be in class tomorrow. I've promised to help out in another class." He grabs an apple from the tray crunching into it loudly.
Neville frowns but, Hermione looks at me knowingly remembering our conversation in care of magical creatures the other day.
I can't wait to see the look on the classes faces when Draco shows his skill in the subject, I feel like if he hadn't been choosing his subjects with a medical or potions career in mind then he would have definitely chosen magical creatures for his own enjoyment. He holds out his apple to me and I take a bite making him smile.
"Have you been playing any more piano?" Hermione asks Draco and he shakes his head.
"I played for hours every single day at home but, since school started up again I have had other things to do," he says smiling at me.
""yessss I remember,"" a voice hisses and I look around the room for the source of the noise, confused until I spot Salazar climbing up the chair leg and resting on my lap.
""Not a fan of the piano?"" I ask him.
""I appreciate Draco's skill, he is very talented however I am mostly nocturnal. It kept me up,"" the snake sulks and I laugh.
""I'm sorry Salazar, have we woken you up today.""
""I heard voices, what is that one doing here?"" He hisses in Ron's direction.
""We are trying to get over it all and be friends, he apologised to Draco and I,"" I tell him noticing Draco's intrigue and nervous looks on the rest of their faces. I smile at Draco, everyone always fears my ability to speak to snakes it makes them uncomfortable but, not Draco he looks at me in amazement.
""I don't trust them,"" he hisses glaring at Ron.
""I don't fully trust him either Salazar, but for now we have to remain calm.""
The snake hisses in defeat looking disappointed to not choke anyone, perhaps we are more similar than I thought.
"What are you talking about?" Draco says eagerly picking his pet up and cradling him on his chest. 
"He says you are very skilled at the piano but you woke him sometimes," I tell him and Draco gasps apologising up the snake.
"Is that all you were talking about," Hermione says suspiciously.
"Well also he's not a huge fan of Ron but, don't worry I said to remain calm," Ron gulps loudly as the snake moves to wrap itself around Draco's neck.
"Salazar," Draco laughs, "it's not necessary."
"I told him Dray don't worry," I say stroking that snake gently.
"Do you play much muggle classical music?" Hermione says taking the heat way from Ron who's looking at Salazar nervously.
"A fair bit. Mostly Vivaldi, Beethoven and Mozart."
""Ahh yes the one who wrote that vulgar canon,"" Salazar hisses disapprovingly at Draco.
"Vulgar canon?" I say in English confused.
Draco looks at me raising an eyebrow.
"Something Salazar said, I don't think he approves of your music taste," I laugh making Draco grin.
"Ahh I know what one he means," Draco laughs getting up and heading over to the piano with Salazar still around his neck. He plays a short sweet sounding piece.
"That doesn't sound vulgar, it's quite nice, is it Mozart," Hermione says frowning.
"Ah that's because you don't know the title or the lyrics, it's called 'Leck mich im arsch' which directly translates from German to lick me in the arse. I remember laughing to myself for ages when I found it in a muggle classical music book but, then again I had been hiding away in my home alone for months going slowly mad. It soon became a favourite warm up piece of mine." Hermione gasps at the new information and Ron chuckles
"Of course it was your favourite," I smirk winking at Draco making him blush and roll his eyes, "I thought I told you before to shut your whore mouth Potter."
"Ugh one more comment like that from you Harry and I might have to top myself," Neville groans and I poke my tongue out at him.
"I think I might agree with nev," Ron groans making Hermione laugh and pat his thigh.
"He can't help it, he's a dreadful flirt," Draco says draping his arms around me from behind allowing Salazar to move from his neck to mine and then back to the bedroom grumbling about the noise. Draco kisses the top of my head rustling my hair.
"I always wanted to play bass guitar but father said it was undignified," he says flopping down on the sofa next to me, "alas I am grade 8 in piano, Cello, violin and viola but, couldn't play a guitar to save my life."
"Wait so you can play three other instruments as good as that?" Hermione asks her eyes widening and he shrugs. "I'd say I'm better at piano and violin."
"And you speak French, English, Italian and Dutch fluently?" I ask making Hermione's eyebrows shoot to her hair.
"And Greek, and I tiny bit of Bulgarian thanks to Victor," he says winking at me.
"Wow you are so amazing," I say staring at him as he runs his hand through his hair.
"Your just not used to culture," he teases as I continue to look at him in awe.
"Put your eyes back in your head Harry," Neville laughs.
"He's my boyfriend i can look at him as much as I want," I sulk noticing Draco raise an eyebrow.
"Boyfriend?" He questions narrowing his eyes.
"Oh umm...oh I'm you not think that? I guess I just thought courting and all basically dating right? Did I get it wrong?" I say starting to panic.
"No no," he puts a hand on top of mine, "not at all, I've just never used that word with someone before. I like it though. I guess courting was just a way of saying it without saying it."
"You don't mind saying it?" I ask and he shakes his head. I laugh with relief pulling him into my lap and cuddling him.
"I mean maybe I'd prefer partner or significant other, but still," he says and I roll my eyes.
"Stuck up Snob."
"Uncultured Plebeian."
"Is this affectionate or an argument?" Ron says frowning and Draco giggles.
"Definitely affectionate," he smiles kissing my cheek.
"Hmm so was it always your undying love for me? Like when you broke my nose?" I tease and he glares at me.
"You were eavesdropping on a private conversation. Who knows what I might have said if it wasn't for your useless hiding skills," he sulks.
"Oh so I deserved it did i?" I ask tickling his sides making him squeal.
"Hmm maybe, at least your slightly wonky nose adds character," he teases poking his tongue out at me.
"Besides you sliced me and stole my wand, so I think we are even."
"I didn't mean to hurt you Dray and I gave it back. that wand killed Voldemort you could sell it for loads of money," I tell him eyeing his wand in his pocket. 
"Oh thank Merlin, I wouldn't have been able to afford anything otherwise," he says sarcastically, I roll my eyes at him smacking the side of his bum Gently.
"My favourite was the 'Potter stinks' badges," Hermione quips getting a laugh from Ron.
"Oi I was up all night charming them all by hand, it look around 8 hours," Draco says and I try not to look so surprised.
"Oh you were so obsessed with me it's crazy," I tease squeezing him gently.
"Oh in your dreams scarhead," he groans patting my cheek, "I will remind you that I wasn't the one who stalked you, but I don't blame you for not being able to stay away."
"Oh really? And why is that?"
"Because I am irresistible."
"That you are, I've always thought you were gorgeous," I say ticking him more and kissing his neck when he wriggles.
"I know you did, who doesn't?" He says smugly pinning my hands into his lap so I can't tickle him.
"You know when you say it like that I'm surprised I didn't realise sooner," Hermione says thoughtfully looking at us.
"Well I think it's a terrible shame that I didn't clock on in first year, but I'm glad now." I kiss his lips gently and he smiles.
"As am I."
I flip off Neville when I see him roll his eyes glad that at least Hermione looks happy seeing that she's smiling at us lovingly.
Draco offers around some more drinks and I help him get tea and biscuits as we chat about anything and everything around the fire.
"Sorry to change the subject but, you mentioned Victor teaching you some Bulgarian earlier. I was just wondering if you'd heard from him recently, he sent me an owl to say he was coming to England for training next week. Maybe we could all do something," Hermione says to Draco.
"Ah we owled over the summer. He did mention that he'd coming to England and France this year. I just didn't expect it to be so soon. I'm sure he'd love to meet up. I'll owl him tonight."
"Oh really now? I'm sure he'd love to see you again," I sulk remembering how Draco called him gorgeous.
"I bet he's dying to see Hermione too," Ron groans looking at me knowingly.
"Oh stop being ridiculous, the both of you, Draco and I can have male friends," she snaps.
"Yeah tall, dark and handsome friends with fame and skill," Neville quips smirking at Ron.
"Ugh do we have to see victor," Ron groans throwing his head back dramatically.
"Oh no I'm sure you can stay away, that way he can have Herm on one arm and Draco on the other," Neville says and I scowl at him, "aren't I lucky that my wonderful girlfriend isn't so swayed by the charms of Victor Krum," he says as Draco launches a pillow at his head.
"Hermione is right, you too are being ridiculous and stop trying to annoy them Neville, you know that there is nothing untoward going on," he holds my hand gently.
"Besides Victors straight and into Hermione so only Ron needs to be worried," he says teasingly, leaning back into my chest. Ron scowls at Hermione, she rolls her eyes and pats his hand. "You know I only ever look at you dear," she says and he smiles at their intwined hands.
"Well I'm allowed to look right? Just not touch," Draco says cheekily, his eyes twinkling as he smirks at me.
"Cheeky git," I scold ticking his thighs making him squeal again wrapping himself around me and pressing his face into my neck gently.
"You know I'm only teasing you," he whispers kissing along my jaw gently and I nod stroking his hand.
"And you know that I'd kill anyone that touched you," I whisper back laughing when his eyes widen.
"Oi it's rude to whisper," Neville scolds and Draco turns to face him.
"Well maybe what we are whispering is ruder," he smirks when Neville groans.
He is such a wind up I think fondly as the conversation changes.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now