Chapter 37 -Staying with the Weasleys

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Sorry for being slow with updates. I've had. A bit of writers block. Hopefully this feels less like a filler chapter.

———-Friday - Heading to the Weasleys———-

Draco's POV:
"Are you nervous my darling?" Harry asks coming over to me and wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"No I'm okay," I lie leaning backwards to look up at him. He frowns but kisses me anyway.
"Is this potions homework? It looks hard," he says flicking through the pages.
"No it's just for fun, I've done all my homework but I assume as you didn't know that this wasn't the homework then you haven't done yours," I tease making him glare at me.
"Well you better make sure that you bring your work this weekend."
He rolls his eyes at me pulling me and the chair from the desk and turning me to face him.
"Maybe I will, Professor Malfoy," he flirts putting his hand out for me. He pulls me to my feet, wrapping his arms around me.
"You definitely will Mr Potter, or you'll be in for a caning," I sneer down at him making him grin wickedly at me.
"Hmm I think I will definitely not be doing my work then," he grins lifting me off of the ground, I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me tightly.
"Is that your wand in your pocket Mr Potter? Or are you just happy to see me?" I giggle feeling something hard in his trousers press against me.
"My wands in my jacket," he whispers indicating to his black dragon hide jacket hanging on the door.
"So happy to see me then?"
"Oh ecstatic," he growls throwing me down into the bed and pulling off his jumper to reveal his toned, hairy chest. I try to avert my gaze, "Oi they are going to be here soon, we are supposed to be at the Weasleys at 5," I scold as he undoes his belt and trousers.
"I don't care," he says straddling me and undoing my shirt quickly.
"You are so cheeky," I say breathily as he kisses my neck.
"And you are so gorgeous," he says kissing my collarbone and slipping his hands under my shirt to push it off of my shoulders.
"All mine, I'm so lucky," he gasps kissing my lips. I can't help but flush at his words as he continues to kiss my chest, and unbutton my trousers pushing himself against me.
"We are here boys, sorry if we are a bit late," a voice calls from living room making Harry groan banging his fist on the bed.
"Why can't they ever actually be bloody late," he sulks as the doorknob rattles.
"One second," he calls back.
"I'm sorry for getting you all worked up my angel," he says kissing me gently and doing up the buttons on my clothes magically.
He adjusts himself in his pants putting his trousers back on properly and pulling his jumper back on.
I sit up trying to catch my breath and running my hands through my hair to straighten it.
I pull on my shoes as Harry opens the bedroom door to meet the others.
I gather up our suitcases putting Harry's work in his bag, checking for bills present and heading into the living room.
"Hello," I greet them nodding curtly as Harry takes the cases putting them with the others.
"Oo those are lovely, are they yours Draco?" Hermione asks indicating to my cases.
"Ah thank you, they are mine. They are Italian, they have amazing expansion charms on them. You could fit half a library in them."
"Yeah and he has as well, as well as half his wardrobe," Harry sasses.
"Oh I have not," I protest making him smile, "Where's Ginny?" I ask Ron, noticing it is just the trio here.
"She's already at home, I think she's telling mum about her bloody dates with Krum."
I laugh at this new information making Ron roll his eyes.
"Umm Draco you might want to," Ron flushes and points awkwardly at the side of my neck.
I head over to the mirror, to see what he means. Noticing small purple bruises from Harry's kisses.
"Yes, thank you for letting me know," I say awkwardly going to retrieve my bruise cream from my rucksack.
"I'm sorry angel," Harry says taking the cream from my hand and rubbing it gently into my neck.
"Don't apologise," I say catching his hand in mine and winking at him so he knows that I'm not annoyed.
"I'm all yours remember," I whisper to him seeing his look of concern disappear and his cheeky grin return.
"You can't see them now," he says quickly kissing my neck.
"What a shame," I flirt.
He discreetly grabs my bum before pulling his jacket on and winking at me.
"Come on, after you" he indicates for Ron and Hermione to go first. They step into the fire with their bags before disappearing in the green flames
"It is going to be fine gorgeous. I will be right by your side," Harry says reassuringly pulling me into a passionate kiss. I kiss him back eagerly not knowing when we will next be able to kiss like this.
Despite the height difference he whisks me and the cases into the fire with ease. He holds me close as the flames change around us.
As we land in the Weasley living room I hold Harry tight despite knowing I can't hold his weight as he often stumbles upon landing.
He kisses me quickly on the cheek helping me to step out of the fire.
"Hello, Molly Arthur?" He calls heading through to the kitchen holding my hand and floating our cases in front of us.
"Hello dear," Molly greats hugging Harry.
"Hello Draco how have you been?" She says rather politely.
I smile, "very well thank you Mrs Weasley. And thank you for inviting me to stay with you."
She nods with a small smile telling us to all take a seat.
I sit next to Harry and Ginny with Ron and Hermione opposite.
"Where shall we put our stuff Molly?" Harry asks making her turn away from the stove.
"Don't worry dear. Arthur will be home soon, he can take them up to your rooms."
"It's no bother Molly. I can do everyone's," he says waving his hand slightly to make them all float.
"I'll help too," Ron says getting up.
"Very well, I noted on the doors what rooms we have put you in," she says awkwardly as they float the cases up the stairs.

A newfound friendship (A Drarry Story) (8th year Drarry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora