4.3 ♜ Here We Lock Up

Start from the beginning

Carl paused, looked at the boy then opened the jar and groped handfuls of the candy out and waded over to the table to slump next to Ron. "I actually have plan already" he said, emptying the content in his hands in front of Ron "Everything is going to be fine, i know it. You remember how the place came to life? Sophia had to just fix the wires. I think all we have to do is cut them. Will you calm down now having that info?"

"Okay, i guess... calming down now, sorry" Ron said, looking downcast, smiling as Carl touched his thigh affectionately. "Actually now that you say it i feel stupid this didn't occur to me sooner how easy shutting down this place is going to be." he chuckled "Maybe we should do it now"

Carl gestured towards the pile of golden marbles on the shiny red counter. "Times not running from us, relax. You said you're hungry"

Ron's eyebrows knit "But... wouldn't it be better to have it all off us now instead of waiting?"

"Candy will disappear when funfair dies, all will. Enjoy last bits of it" Carl said, turning away from Ron and plopping one marble-formed sweet onto his tongue. Paying no mind to Ron's following words.


The warmly sweet taste coated his tongue so hefty that it got his cravings for water showing up soon, and so he scanned the stall for anything to drink till he spotted a jug with a flower template drawn on it. Ron stood up and walked over to get it and upon closer inspection he noticed that it weren't actually flowers but a Ferris wheel with pastel coloured pods. He peeked inside. A red something filled to the middle, and whatever it was, Ron didn't trust it but decided to still his thirst with it and filled it into two red cups then walked back to his seat next to Carl and placed one cup in front of him.

"Think that's safe?" He asked, already drizzling the juice into his mouth and the cherry taste didn't really help the already sweet tang in his mouth, effectively worsening it but killing away the dryness in one bit nonetheless and that's all that mattered to Ron.

Carl looked amused "You tell me" He inspected Ron's reaction to it before he took a sip himself, and from the looks of it the sweetness gave his brain a shock.

"It's poison!" Ron squealed all of sudden, causing Carl to flinch and spill some of the juice onto his pants, he cut his eye at him. "Really?"

"No, just messing with you" Ron chuckled, he felt hyper from all the sugar, his body basically screamed at him to move around and instructed all his muscles to twitch like crazy. He practically sat in energy. He wasn't hungry, but he also wasn't really full either. It was just the belly ache from all the junk that got him to stop stuffing his mouth with the contents of the other jars. They ate a ridiculous amount, half the candy of the second jar and tons of cookies from the others and their teeth stung from the overload of sugar deep into their gums.

"Wanna go on rollercoaster?" Carl asked, putting the cup away.

Ron faltered, panic curdled within him "I don't know... still have enough from last time"

"Just kidding" Carl laughed for a brief second until he was stopped as something rang it's way up to his throat and at first thought, Ron suspected that he choked on the candy but after clapping him on the back didn't help, he noticed that Carl had spit blood all over the table.

"Christ, what is that?! Are you okay?" Ron's voice was tight from worry that gnawed upon him and turned their funny moment into something dark.

"I'm fine..." Carl croaked, dragging his sleeve across his mouth and leaving a red smudge on there "Just still haven't taken my pills, and also... I think he's here."

"What?-" It took a moment until Ron realised what he meant with that and when it finally clicked his breath hitched "Shit. What're we gonna do?" He leaned over, reaching out with his hand to hold Carl's face in it. He looked terribly pale with multiple red dots marking his face of the illness he carried.

"We stay alert, we'll talk with Sophia, ask her about wires." He pressed his cheek into Ron's palm and smiled weakly "Like I said, don't worry, everything'll settle"

"Okay okay... I try. Let's go there right now. After I take a piss real quick, can you wait here?" Ron asked, already standing up from the stool ready to abandon the stall filled with butterscotch candy and pastries.

Carl just nodded, supporting his head on the arm he had angled on the table. "Be quick."


There was probably a restroom somewhere close but Ron decided to just head for the closest place where he could have some time for himself and so he disappeared between two stalls cornered behind the bumper cars attraction. He zipped down his pants and began pouring away his jedi fountain. Through the gritty fence in front of him he could make out the Ferris wheel and though no one was attending it, the pods were driving up in a clockwise circle. Ron couldn't deny that it looked beautiful, but oleander was beautiful too yet highly poisonous when eaten. Just looking at it made got his piss flowing quicker from the adrenaline he remembered when he was on it.

He almost finished when he felt another hand fold around his dick. He jumped, eyes flying wide open and as he jerked his head to the other side where he met a single green eye.


Ron couldn't bring out a word, the fear clogged his throat and got him freezing in place. Nightmare-Carl had returned to finish what he couldn't back in the woods. At least that's what the intimate touch indicated to him. 

"Scared Blondie? Why didn't you show up in woods? Have you not heard my messages i left in your head?" To his surprise he pulled his hand to himself and Ron took the opportunity to pull the zip up and back away a couple steps.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Ron fought off, eyes downcast.

"Of course not..." Carl muttered, his hand lunged up and he started poking his index finger into the blood-pearl which popped open and smeared blood unceremoniously over his cheek. A smirk stretched his lips taut and he sauntered over to Ron "Just make sure next time you actually appear if you want those pills for your friend" he dragged the bloody finger over Ron's cheek and disappeared without a transition, just with another blink of an eye and he was gone.

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