3.2 ♕ Dead Man

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"I- um, well, right now I do actually really hate you" Ron replied, trying to hold eye contact with Carl who stared at him so urgently

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"I- um, well, right now I do actually really hate you" Ron replied, trying to hold eye contact with Carl who stared at him so urgently.

The coolness in Carl's eyes seemed to melt however as if Ron just said the most hurtful things.
"Hate me..?"

Ron kicked himself mentally, maybe this was a little too harsh after all. "I didn't mean it like that... I meant; I don't appreciate the way you treat me right now. I don't hate you, just the way you act"

There was silence for a moment, only the sound of the wind beating against the windows and whistling through the crack of the door was audible. And if it was for Ron, he would have been fine if this would go on like this forever if that meant he could skip everything that was happening after the silence.

Carl closed in on him, his eye traced his facial features and his pupil seemed to widen in admiration for him "How you wan' me to treat you?"

Ron backed away a little but was soon hitting the counter with his behind and Carl's breath was all over his shoulder a little too soon "I don't know, nicer? Like you used to treat me back at the theatre..."

"Okay" Carl's lips levitated over his, confident and demanding, the smell of tobacco and blood kicked into Ron's guts and he's all too well back at his belly ache. "Back at theatre... so you want to fuck?"

Ron's eye must've torn a nerve because his eyes grew three sizes so suddenly from realising his mistake to refer back to the theatre. "Th-thats not what I meant— I'm saying; I want you to treat me like you used to, nice and gentle not rough and like I'm a punchbag."

The expression on Carls face changed with another blink of an eye, turning into something that was rather pleasant to Ron, a smooth smile that had his lips covering his teeth and a warmth swung in his blue eye. He could almost feel himself sent back to his theatre-Carl and Ron welcomed that.

"Gentle and nice" Carl repeated his words with a nod, as if trying to pin it in his brain. "Nice and gentle"

"Yeah," Ron said "Can we head home now? I don't feel well"

His request was completely disregarded as hands hiked up his shirt and Carl's  lips were touching Ron's lightly "Do you, nice and gentle" he breathed, hot into Ron's mouth.

Fingers were roaming his skin, brushing over light peachfuzz, but Ron didn't give yet.

Instead, he flaked out under Carl's arms and headed for the door, legs darting on the ground rather stiffly and it took Carl a moment to react to it. His hands fell into open space from the withdrawal of matter and he swivelled around. "Blondie, need to take supplies before leaving"

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