Chapter Thirty-one

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The days that followed we browsed around first before we decided to settle on the right printing presses for SIP before we bought them with the best maintains service of the machines if they break down in the near future. We had a SIP board meeting while we were at the manufacturers of the press machines. We talked numbers and the time frame to get them to SIP and their start assembles them on site in Seattle. With the board now on board, we bought about ten printing presses. So we bought the machines then head to our hotel by dinner time, we got packing then drove over to the jet where we got settled for our flight.

Christian and I we're working in flight, Christian even had business meetings with old and new partners and then me with authors. Hanna called a few times and we finally turned in by midnight. Stephen and Bianca are at the steer of things and is doing a great job. Taylor, Sawyer, and Prescott are all busy with their own things while Christian and I head to our room to take a shower then gone to bed. We slip into bed and fell asleep. I was woken much later by one of Christian's nightmares. I held him to me and he calmed down. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed his damp hair. His biological mother can be glad she's no longer on this green upside down earth, I would have like to find her and make her pay for what she did to my wonderful husband.

'I love you, my sexy man.' I whispered to him in his sleep. He just held me tighter. This whole Jack trying to get to us thing is also working on my nerves. I hate playing defense all the time. He better not lay a finger on my husband or my new family-in-law. I will hurt him in ways he will wish he is no more. Then there is Elena what is her deal in sending me a very clear death threat. My head fills with all these situations we are in. I just couldn't go to sleep at all so once Christian turned on his other side I got up, gone to the bathroom and then with a robe wrapped around me I got back to work on my laptop. I worked till all my work were done.

By morning Christian came out all dressed and pressed for the day. I had a cup of my favorite tea in my hand and gone off to get ready myself. Afterward, I joined Christian where he was on the phone with Welch and Andrea. I just sat and listen to them talk. I looked out the jet window. It was all so pretty and serine up here I almost wish you could live in the sky forever looking down on all the pretty of the land below. Christian looked at me while he talked to his staff. Our air-hostess carried over our brunch and we sat eating. I just sat thinking about everything that's been happening since we started this trip. I am really happy to be going home.


It's the grand opening of our nightclub and it is booming. We even got the local newspaper to place a couple of adds for us and the radio station is also broadcasting our ads on their station. The doors open and people streamed into Milady's Corner nightclub and business is hopping. Christian is here too avoiding the press. I did warn him about this. Everyone is loving the club. Our BDSM clientele came from all over Washington to come enjoy our tight-knit communities new gather hall. They all love the feel and vibe of the place. We have a ton of curious 'Joe's' that asked to see or experience their first bondage play. In so opening the nightclub to newbies.

The opening weekend is an even greater success. Becca is my nightclub manager and she knows how I operate. To my surprise, Kate and Elliot were here and so Mia and Ethan too. We just play along with that we were curious about this new hangout. The girls took to the dance floor and wanted to drag me along. Taylor hired a whole new team of guys for us to be bouncers and they are keeping the place in check. We had an outside building were the bouncer can drag the fighting men too if a fight does break out so not to disturb the flow of the evening for everyone else. We also made sure the bouncers and security know of the wanted men, like Jack and Elena ect.

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