Chapter Two

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Wednesday morning I wrote out a bunch of sticky notes for mom. As I came downstairs I stuck them everywhere so she could see them so she will be reminded to pick up their dry cleaning. I quickly chow down my oatmeal then head out the door to wait for my bus with my nose in my maths book making sure I remember the formulas I learned last night. Christian walked up to me and pulled me in for a good morning kiss. I gave him a hug. He kissed the tip of my nose.

'Did you sleep well, Mr. Grey?' I asked him.

'Did I ever, all I could do is dream about you.' He countered. 'Did you sleep well, princess?'

'Yes, like a baby. I like falling asleep next to you, Christian.'

'Do you know? Well, I guess it's settled then.'

'What is?' I looked back into his gorgeous eyes.

'I will have to sit with you every night for the rest of my life to make sure you sleep well.' He spoke and made my heart leap with joy.

'Really? You would do that for me?' I asked feeling a bit shy.

'Yes.' He answered as we stepped inside our bus. With my extra bag of clothes for my second job, I'll start this afternoon.

'You really are a great man Christian Grey. I love that about you.'

'Really? So Miss Steele what else do you love about me then?' He looked at me then laced our hands together.

'There is your incredible mind and you're a wonderful gentleman but it is your heart I love the most. You have a kind heart and I also notice that you don't like to be touched anywhere near your torso you shun away from anyone that wants to hug or show you affection yet you let me hug you around your neck.'

'Goodness Ana you're so observant. You are right my bio mother's pimp is the cause of that. I can't bear to be touch anywhere on my chest or back. But hugs around my neck is perfectly fine.' He looks out of his window at the passing scenery, his pain so clear in his reflection.

'Hey, please don't look so hurt. It squeeze's my heart into tiny pieces to think about how someone could have hurt and scare you so deeply. How can I make your pain go away Christian?'

'Just keep being the wonderful woman you are.'

'Very well.' I smiled up at him and lay down on his shoulder. He kissed my hair and inhale as he does. It made me smile. We arrived at school and the bus arrived late and we all had to run for our first classes. Our classes were all a bit relaxed today giving me a little bit of a breather. My math's pop quiz went over in a breeze and so also the rest of our classes. At lunchtime, Christian waited for me at the cafeteria door. He gave me a quick kiss in front of the whole school passing by. But in that moment I really didn't care.

We finally walked into the cafeteria and I had a salad today with a diet soda. We got to our table and we ate and talked about this and that and what happened yesterday at my first shift. I could see it angered Christian when I told him about the jerks of yesterday but he was relieved to hear that my boss came to my rescue. After school, we made plans for Christian to come over again tonight and I have a pretty good feeling this is going to be a standing appointment between us.

I kind of like it. He gave me a good luck kiss as he sees me off to my bus then ran off to catch his own bus. My bus dropped me off in front of the Four Seasons Bistro. I changed into my work clothes and started to clean up the restaurant. By eight-thirty PM, I got on the bus and almost fell asleep that's how tired I am. I got off at my bus stop and Christian waited for me. He took my bags from me and carried them for me.

'Thank you. I am so tired tonight. I'm forcing my eyelids open as we speak.'

'Shall I carry you home then?' He asked and I could see he would really love that.

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