Chapter Twenty-Four

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It's like a needle being used only once per single patient. Then we're all in the single viewing booth we have here at Milady's we let Taylor and Gail sit in on the scene being constructed. I sat next to them and explained to them what they are seeing and what is happening. At the end of the play in the viewing booth, we moved onto my office slash display wall with all the BDSM toys you can ever possess I have on display here with name tags on the bottom. I would point it all out for them and gave them their functions and how they are all used. I took questions and they lay it all out there for me.

I answered all their zillions questions and now that they both 100% agreed to all of this they gave me their consent and signed the evenings BDSM contract with an NDA. I don't want everyone telling just anyone of the inner workings of my business to anyone. So I showed them to the changing room where they can both change. We had safes installed for our client's small valuables like their car keys, wallets, cell phones etcetera. I changed into my latex bodice and fishnet stockings with my latex tight high boots. I pin my hair up and met Christian at my office door. He is now wearing latex pants with a leather vest on and a thick stocking mask with eye holes and a mouth hole with two nose holes for proper breathing.

'Who will partner with you, Mr. Grey?' I asked.

'I'm partnered with Rupert.' He pulled me closer to him.

'Oh that is great he can teach you better about woman anatomy buttons you can push, he really knows how to push a woman over the orgasm edge. You'll learn a lot from him.'

'I would prefer you Milady.' He kissed me.

'Yet I can only teach you things from a woman's perspective. Now an experienced man like Rupert he can show you so much even with just a single session. Observe and listen what he is saying and you'll do great. But coming back to your earlier statement it would have been nice to be with you to Mr. Grey but yet duty calls.' I kissed his nose.

'Oh speaking of earlier. Your earlier question still hasn't slipped past me, Miss Steele. We'll discuss the nightclub when we get home later okay.'

'Okay. Thank you for thinking about it. I will see you later.' I gave him another quick kiss and walked off to go work Taylor and Gail over in my set op Office theme. Since that is what I sensed earlier from them both. They followed my instructions to the letter and they are both instructing to call me Milady from this moment on. We start our play really slow as I work them through most of the things we are going to do.

I end up letting them both work each other over then for the last hour I let them follow through on my orders and I would spank them over and over when they don't obey me. At the end of our two-hour play, I wrapped them both in a thick double blanket and let them each hold each other for the next half an hour. Then I helped them back into their robes and sat down with them.

'So how do you feel after your first scene of play?' I asked them.

'At first, I was so nerves but about twenty minutes in I started to relax more and more and find that it is not that bad at all. The fact that you tested our pain levels in this fashion made me learn something new about my body and myself that I never knew I could handle. I would like you and only you to be my Dominatrix Milady if that is alright with you ma'am?'

'It is sure alright with me Gail. And You James how did you find the experience?'

'I really didn't know what to expect really but it turns out I really love all this and the way you made Gail and me connect on a whole another level and I get it that in the end, you took back the control in the play as you call it Milady. We need discipline in this new lifestyle we are now clearly entering. I would also like to add what Gail said earlier, I would really like you to be our teacher if you can fit us into your busy schedule Milady.'

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