Chapter 40: five years later

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"Poseidon! Get back here! Practice isn't over!," I yelled. He squealed when I caught him. "Six years old and can't even practice your powers?" "But auntie! I wanna play!" "No. What if someone came to kill you and Hestia?" "I would protect my sister and my parents!" "You can't beat anyone with the power you have right now. Now, try to make it rain." The small boy tried to summon the rain, but could only call a single cloud. He sat down in defeat. "Auntie, why do you look the same?" "I'm a goddess. I choose if I grow old or not." "Are you strong?," he wondered aloud. "Yeah. I can even bring the rain." His eyes went wide with excitement. "Really? Show me! Show me!" I lifted my hand into the air as clouds gathered at my will. It rained, but stopped inches from our heads. Then it reversed and went back. "Cool, auntie!" "You have to keep practicing and grow up strong," I patted his head. "Alright."

           Hestia stumbled outside and burnt the grass. She shrieked in laughter. I scooped her up and scolded her. "No Hestia. No burn." She groaned in disappointment. Artemis walked outside. "Listen to auntie, Hestia." Being four years old, she didn't know how to control her power. After their eleventh birthday, the gods residing in them would emerge. I thought it was ironic, how Ed controlled fire and now his daughter could too. I smiled to myself. "What're you smiling about?," Apollo walked towards me. Now 22, he was much more handsome than before. "Jut that Ed and Hestia are similar." He frowned at me. "Why aren't you aging? Scared of what you'll look like?" "No. I just don't feel like it." "I have a question for you." He furiously blushed. "Will you marry me?" He showed me a rainbow colored ring, just like my symbol. I kissed him. "So is that a yes?" "Definitely." A journey beyond what I've been through will eventually come, but I know I'll be ready. Even when everyone I love dies, I'll still protect everything they loved, even if it is a pain.

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