Chapter 26

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   "Why don't you come with us quietly?," Benton suggested. "You wouldn't have to fight and you look like you're in pain there." I put on my hood and shot him a dirty look. "Go to hell," I spat. He sighed heavily and shook his head, making a tsk tsk sound. "Very well. Brianna. Show her some discipline. But try not to mess up her face." She took out a hand scythe from her hip, and charged at me. I won't hold back with these guys. I put electricity in my hands and ran towards her with amazing speed. I numbed her arms, and hit her legs with some volts. Her weapon clattered to the floor. She fell on her stomach, and cursed at me. "Go ahead, Luke." He had much more speed and agility than Brianna.

         He had two hooked daggers and cut my wrists. I cried out in pain and used the wind to defend myself. He dodged my wind blades and leapt into the air. I made a force field to prevent myself from being stabbed from above. He pushed forward, and I did too. I was suddenly stabbed in the back. Luke moved away. I turned to see who had injured me. Benton's axe was in my back. I grit my teeth and stopped time. I groaned in pain and everyone slowly began to move. I removed the axe and shattered it. My back slowly, but painfully, started healing itself. I grabbed one of Luke's daggers and stabbed his leg. I pushed the other one into Benton's thigh. "I will never be your bride!" My blood gathered from the floor and seeped back inside of me. I then proceeded to teleport back home.

          I collapsed in the kitchen, where Adam was waiting for me. My wound was healed, but my cloak was torn and I was exhausted. I glanced at the clock. 2am. I slowly stood, the counter supporting me. Adam stared at me. "What happened?" "Don't worry about it." "Who was that?" "No one." I dusted myself off and pushed up my glasses. I slowly walked to my room. Adam followed. "Why did you send me back here? I could have helped you!," he angrily said. "I can do things myself." He stood in front of me, making me stop. "I told you I would protect you! Why do you do things yourself?

      You never ask for help and leave all the weight on your shoulders!" My temper snapped. "I've never asked for help before! I'm afraid if I do, I'll lose that person forever. I just wanted to protect you! I've lost enough in my life," I defeatedly said. He led me back down the hall to the couch, where we sat. "You will never lose me." "I will! I saw the future and you died right in front of me. I did nothing except watch you slip away from me." As of recently, I've been subconsciously dreaming of the future. I don't have any control over it, since it feels like a dream. "We can change the future together. Just start by telling me who that guy was."

I explained to him my encounter with Benton and my fight with him. "That bastard. I'll kill him." I don't think he'll be competing anymore, so there's no need to worry. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." I shuffled to my room. My muscles were sore and my head slightly ached. When I went to bed, I immediately fell asleep. In my dream, I saw my parents. "She's still alive?!?," my mother shrieked. Benton was kneeling, and quickly nodded. "Yes ma'am. My fiancé is breathing and well. "This will not do us well," my father said. I could tell they were in the dining hall.

My parents had changed since I last saw them. Trisha's hair was worn from being dyed many times, and heavy makeup covered her face. I could tell they masked the wrinkles and dark circles under her eyes. James gained a lot of weight and was now a plump man while Trisha was thin like a toothpick. "How could you fail to bring her back?" "I-I'm sorry but she has a unique power that cannot be tamed." "Unique? Hah! She's a Regular. How could that be possible?" "I am unsure myself. But she has become quite the beauty." "What is her name now?" "Raven Herlanda." "What a hideous name!," father proclaimed. "Let us hope that Mark's nephew can do a better job than you did. What a pathetic fiancée!" "But isn't he a Regular?," Benton squeaked.

"Yes. But he was trained in Tifro for eight years. He is highly skilled in combat and learned how to tame an enormous power user and their emotions," Trisha explained. "Leave us! We will wait and see what happens." I awoke from that so called dream and began to cry. I cried and cried, because of my broken heart and sudden realization. Everything I shared with Adam was a lie.

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