Chapter 10

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"If you're going to live with me, we have to have some rules around here." Adam smiled and rolled his eyes. "Fine, my queen." I ignored him and continued. "Rule one: equivalent exchange." "What?" "I do a chore and in exchange, you do something too." "I'll clean the dorm, I guess. Cooking's not my thing." "Alright. Rule two: privacy." "I can live with that." "Rule three: words." "Huh?" "Control your emotions and say only what needs to be said." "Oh." "Final rule: live life to the fullest." "That's it?" "That's it. That simple."

        I grinned at him. "Now let's get to practice. "Right." Adam went to the kitchen and came back with 8 knives. "You ready?" "Yup." "But remember: every one I throw you gotta use something different." "Yeah, yeah, let's just get right to it." Ever since he moved in, he's helped me use God in so many creative ways. I've improved my focus, determination, creative side, mental strength, and power. He threw a knife at me, and I time traveled; I appeared next to Adam, with the knife in my hands, and two inches away from his throat. "Nice." I teleported back to my spot, and got ready for the second knife. He threw it, and I turned it into gold. I dropped to the floor with a thump. He chucked the third, and I opened a portal, sending it to another dimension. The fourth and fifth came flying, so I used my force field to stop them. The last three were thrown; I dissolved one, set the other aflame, and let the final one turn into paper. "Good job. Now let's try mind reading." "No!" "Why won't you do it?" "That's wrong! I won't read people's minds!" "Please! Just mine. Only today." I sighed in defeat, while Adam smiled in triumph. I closed my eyes and focused. I began to hear his muffled voice, but when I opened my eyes, he wasn't talking at all. He saw my confused face, and motioned me to keep trying. I poured all of my focus into my power, and started to hear him already having his own conversation. -if she can hear me. *gasp* What if she had been this whole time! Oh man, she probably knows know! Oh jeez.

          I stared at him as he turned pink, and turned away. I released my focus, and learned something new about mind reading. It took a lot of will and power. I swayed to the right, and started to fall when Adam caught me. "Whoa there, you okay?" I blinked once, then twice, not realizing what had just happened to me. "Um. Yeah. Just got a little lightheaded was all." He helped me up. "And just to be clear, I only started reading your mind when you panicked. You sure are a worry wart, you know?" He gave a goofy grin. "Yeah, I know." So what's for dinner?" I laughed softly. "Not telling." "I'll help tonight. I finished cleaning a while ago." "okay." After dinner, we brushed out teeth together and said goodnight. I lay in my bed, looking up at the ceiling. "My life is getting better." I turned to my side and drifted off to sleep.

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