Chapter 11: Saturday Morning

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I dreamed that my parents were beating me. They had whips in their hands and kept shouting at me to just die. I got up and started running. I heard Ed call my name. I turned and saw them beating him instead of me. "No!," I sobbed and shielded my brother. Old scars began to throb as I got whipped in my dream. Adam appeared like a shining light. My parents faded away, screaming in agonizing pain. "You're okay," he said and hugged me. I sobbed and told him, "I miss my brother!"

I woke up slowly, and realized I had actually been crying. I felt a warmthness press against me and looked around to find Adam in my bed, one arm draped over me. I turned beet red, and was going to wake him up when when I figured it would be awkward when I did wake him. I realized that my dream must have teleported Adam into my bed. I was embarrassed at what my powers-no, what I had done unconsciously. I tried to teleport him back, but had no luck. I hadn't eaten in hours, so I had no energy. No energy equals no God. I was very confused though. Why did I do it in my sleep? It must be like sleep walking; not knowing what you do or why you did it. I drifted off to sleep again, but woke up two hours later when Adam began to move. I opened my eyes and found him staring at me intently. We stared at each other blankly for what seemed like a lifetime. He took in the situation, noticed his arm around me, and turned crimson red. I attempted to wiggle out of his grasp, but he hugged me closer. "Just a little longer," he whispered. I stayed stiff and looked at him. His morning hair made him look like a child; he was only one week older than me, but his hair said otherwise. We drifted off to sleep for another hour and a half. I was surprised when I didn't have any bad dreams in his arms. I awoke to him sitting up; one side of his shirt was up, showing his muscles. I examined him, then noticed a scar on his left ab.

              Detecting my stare, he softly laughed. "Wondering what this is from? I went fishing with my dad when I was nine and the hook got caught on me. Had to get five stitches." "I've never been fishing. Or seen a lake. Or the ocean." His eyes grew wide, and his mouth dropped open. "Looks like I'll have to take you sometime." I saw his hair flopped to one side, and started laughing hysterically. "You should look at yourself." Looking into the mirror, I saw my hair was standing on one side. My shirt was sideways; my left shoulder was showing, and my eyes turned gold from nervousness. I quickly pulled my shirt down and walked out of my room, telling him I was making breakfast. I fixed my hair, then breakfast. I told Adam I wanted to try mind reading again. He was thrilled and let me enter his mind.

      She never told me her real name. I should ask her sometime. It's probably something beautiful though. I have no idea how I got into her room, but she looked hot the way she woke up. I released my focus, but got dizzy and almost fell. I caught myself and glanced at the floor, catching my breath and calming my flushed face. I inhaled deeply. "It was Kate." "Huh?" "My old name." "Oh... that's a beautiful name." "Thank you." I peered at our calendar and saw that Adam's birthday was next Saturday. "Huh. I guess time really does fly by." He laughed softly, then retreated to his room. I would make him something special. Three meals, a cake, and a present. "Hey," I called out. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" "Aurlem. And stay in a hot spring." I grinned. "Favorite food?" Easy. Your lasagna." I laughed and waved him off. I cracked my fingers. "Time to get down to business," I muttered. This was now Operation Adam's birthday. Step one: learn to teleport 2 people from Blustere to Aurlem in less than a minute.

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