Chapter 13

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      I fell, and fell, and fell, for what seemed like forever. I landed on a ledge; the wind was knocked right out of me. Once I caught my breath I continued screaming. The earth continued to shake. It was a struggle to close my mouth, but it was the only way Adam knew I was alive. I looked at the knife in my a and shut myself up. I grabbed the handle and groaned. I yanked it out and screamed. Blood spilled out and the ground shook in response. I concentrated and healed my wound. I saw my blood and called to it. It responded immediately, and gathered on my back. I only had so much blood to make a wing, but it would be enough. I soared into the air and pushed myself to my limit. As I reached the top, my wing began to warp and shake.

The blood separated and fell down into the earth again. I clung onto a small ledge and climbed the rest of the way up. When I reached ground level and got away from the hole, I collapsed on my side. I forced myself up and closed the giant hole. I puked up blood, and it trailed down my leg as I held my rib. My body screamed at me to rest, but I ignored it. I used Intangibility and went through the wall to where Adam was. He sat in a desk, crying. "Why?," he said over and over. Mrs.Sanders lay passed out on the floor. I limped to Adam, somehow managing to call his name. "A.A-Adam." He looked up and saw my horrible condition. He gave me a weak smile. My head throbbed. I threw up more blood, then passed out myself.

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