Chapter 18: Birthday

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         "Wake up sleepyhead!" Adam jumped on me. I groaned. "Leave me alone. I wanna sleep." "No way grandma! We got a fun filled day today so let's get to it!" I pulled the covers over my head. Adam went in with me. "Don't touch me!," I squealed, "you're hands are cold! No! Alright, alright, I'm getting up!" I wiggled away, which resulted in me falling off of the bed. "Ow." Adam peeked his head out from the covers and laughed at me. "Now you're down instead of up!" "Oh ha ha. Very funny." I sat up, when the static noise came.

                    My eyes widened as I heard my big brother. "Happy birthday Katey. I love you." Then, his voice was gone.  His telepathy allowed him to speak to whoever he wishes. His other power, illusion, is basically what it sounds like. Adam jumped off the bed, now concerned. "You okay?" I shook off my worry and smiled at him. "Yeah, just thought I broke something for a second there." He picked me up bridal style and raced into the living room. I laughed hysterically as I was set on the couch and he jumped on top of me. "Come on beautiful, let's go eat." We dressed and went to a nearby diner. We held hands the whole way with a smile on our faces. After we went back to the festival in town and played some street games. Adam won me a small bear; I won him a big dragon, two slingshots, and a free seat behind the nobles at the Championship. That was the closest a commoner could get to the front.

A woman working at the stand spoke to me. "Are the both of you going to the arena to watch the Fates?" "Something like that." We went on a couple of more rides after buying candied apples and cotton candy, then headed home. Adam bought a cake and sang me happy birthday. I was on my way to bed after when he stopped me. "Do you, uh, maybe..want to um, sleep in my room tonight?" His ears were red, but his eyes begged me to say yes. "Alright." I went to go change into my pajamas and entered his room. He was reading. I forgot to turn on the A/C, so he was shirtless. He put his book away when I lay best to him. We drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. It was as if we let go of one another, then we would forever be lost in this world.

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