Chapter 35

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Listen to song for extra sadness ⬆️
        He's gone. He slipped away from me that easily.
Why is the world so damaged? So sad? His words rang in my head. Why do bad things happen to you? I love you. I promise to be a better boyfriend. I've been in love with you since the day we met. You have to let me go. Be happy.
Hecate knelt down next to me. "My part is over. I must go," she softly said. "I thank you for allowing me to battle at your side. As a gift, I give you this." She handed me her bracelet engraved with the symbols of the gods. "The gods owe you a huge favor. When you need the help, you may summon any god you wish. Hades will be punished by aiding you when you need it. Every god you summon will only help you once a year. Choose wisely." She glowed a light purple, a warm smile in her face. "Farewell, Chosen One. I hope one day you will be able to join us on Mount Olympus." A purple mist left Haley's body, and disappeared into the air. Her body collapsed beside me. My mind instantly imagined it being Adam falling into Hell again. I felt weak, and powerless.

My body felt numb. Artemis helped me up. My legs were so shaky I couldn't even stand on my own. Apollo bent down and I effortlessly fell onto his back. He held onto me, my arms hanging at my side. I didn't want to do anything anymore. I wanted to see Adam. To see his smiling face. To kiss him so badly. To hold his hand. I don't want a world where there's gods and superpowers. I just want a world with him. But the world doesn't obey a single person. Artemis and Ed followed us, leaving Haley alone; she would wake up and find her home and everything she had, destroyed into a pile of ashes.

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