Chapter 28

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     I arrived at her apartment, and felt very out of place. The complex was very worn down, with graffiti on the walls and lots of fresh and dried gum on the floor. Gross. The evening breeze bit at my skin. I walked up the stairs, going around three thugs. They stared at me while keeping their creepy aura. One of them opened and closed a switchblade, while another turned his lighter on and off. A guy with large muscles, who looked to be the leader, chewed his gum and popped it in my direction. I continued up the stairs, trying not to make eye contact. I reached Misty's door, growing very concerned. She had knife marks on her door and death threats written across it in marker, paint, and spray. She even had an actual knife stuck in her door.

How had she survived in a place like this without getting into a fight? Taking a big, deep breath, I knocked on her door. I heard her quietly approach, peep through the eyehole, and ask, "who are you?" "Raven." Lots of hooks and locks were unlatched or unhooked, and she slightly cracked her door open. "Come in, come in! Hurry!" I quickly walked in, and closed the door behind me. The tip of the knife could clearly be seen on this side. I took in her small home. She had a miniature fridge, a tight kitchen that would make me claustrophobic if I lived here, and a living room consisting of a table with four chairs and a tiny television on it. I sat with her, and took off my hood.

"Gods, your eyes are red! What happened? Where's Adam?" I explained to her my "dream" and Adam's betrayal. "I thought he really loved you," she disappointedly said. "Me too. Did you know that Ed was also behind this?" "Yes and no. Before I met Ed I was, uh, hired to kill him so obviously I spied on him. I saw that jerk that tried to hit on you and..." She trailed off into thought. She smacked her forehead in realization. "Adam! When I first met him, I thought he looked familiar. Now I remember! I saw him at the mansion like, twice. I could never put my finger on it!" I clenched my fists in anger and remembered something.

"Artemis, you can never tell anyone I was here-" Ironically, the door was knocked on twice. "Misty, open the door. We need to talk. Adam's with me too," my brother's voice called out. I jumped out of my seat when she stopped me. "Don't," she whispered. "Hide and listen to what they have to say. I'll ask them as many questions as I need to." I clung to the corner of the ceiling and waited. I turned invisible and watched as she opened the door. Rage entered my body, making me want to leave so badly. But I had unanswered questions. "Sit," Misty motioned at the chairs. Ed folded his hands. "Artemis, we need your help. We've made a terrible mistake, and Lucy left her dorm, and I feel terrible." "Explain." "She found out that Adam was working for me and that I wanted her back home." "So you want me to help you find her," she slowly said.

"Yeah. I know you can track people, especially on a full moon." "Well, it's something I got along with my name." "There's a full moon tonight," Adam added. For the second time since the Championship, I saw fear come across her face for a moment, then she immediately masked it with boredom. "No. Not on full moons. Not tonight." "Why not?" "Because on full moons, just like the goddess, men become my enemies. I kill until either satisfied or the sun comes up. I'll only help women, whether they're good or bad. So you better go while you have a chance." "Your senses become sharper, don't they?" "Yeah, but-" "Your family's received the protection from the Greek gods, right? That's why your family is named after Greek gods. To keep having protection."

"We receive their protection when we come near something related to that god that's protecting us. Supposedly my missing twin brother has Apollo on his side. Funny right?" She's lying. I can tell. Ed narrowed his eyes at her. "Can't you track him down?" "I'm afraid of him not knowing who I am." "Artemis, I really need to find Lucy. I love her and I want to clear things up." "We can do this tomorrow. I really suggest you two leave." "I can't." "Did she ever come by here?," Ed asked. "I'm begging you. Please tell us. I'll give you anything!" "Are you bribing me?", She asked, clearly offended that her boyfriend had just bribed her like a crook. "I can't believe it. Did you hear that, Lucy?"

Both men jumped out of their seats. "She was here? For how long? Lucy!," Adam called out. I back flipped to the ground, appearing before them. I slowly looked up at them, pure hate in my eyes. Rising, I glared at them. "Stop following me, or I'll erase your memories . I don't care if you never recognize me again." Adam reached into his pocket. He took out a sack of...sand? He scooped some into his hand and threw it at me. I became unable to move. Ed threw some at Artemis, and she too was in the same position as me. "W-what is this?," I struggled to move. My body was already working on an antidote, but I was stuck in the meantime. Adam cupped his hand against my cheek. I desperately screamed at my body to hurry. "Go to hell!," I screamed at him. Finally able to move, I pushed him. He staggered back and I released Misty. I stole their sand and threw it at them. I handed her a pouch. "Two hours until the full moon," i warned. She quickly packed her things. "I'm sorry that I never told you about my powers," she admitted. "I didn't know if I could trust you." "That's okay." There are some things I haven't told her either. She took out a beautiful set of a bow and arrows. It was silver, with wooden arrows and steel tips. It had a symbol of a stag on it, which dimly glowed. "It glows by how much I've been affected by the moon," she explained. She slung them over her shoulder and we walked into my dimension.

            We watched as the sand wore off and Ed cursed. My brother doesn't normally do that. Who is this? He yelled,"Artemis, daughter of Hilbert Hunters, who received Hades' personality, show yourself, or your life will be revealed to your family. Your brothers' included." You wouldn't want that, now would you?" I stared at Artemis. Family was important to her, it seemed. Would she fall for this trap? She suddenly didn't look like herself. Her blue eyes were now silver and the stag shone brightly. The goddess had emerged. A golden bracelet had appeared on her left wrist, showing all the symbols of the gods.

      "Hah! Go ahead! I don't care about some puny human!" Her eyes told a different story. I thought of a way to persuade the goddess. "He speaks of your twin brother, Apollo. Surely you would not let him down, as a mistress of the hunt?" "Hmm. Ah! That hurt you mortal! Do not try to fight a goddess! Your family obeys us!" She was talking to herself, and it seemed like Artemis was fighting from the inside. "Enough! If you continue this, I will stay out longer." She deeply inhaled, Artemis having stopped the struggle. She turned to me. "Chosen One, will you teleport me to that room? I would like to show them my skill. Those humans that are under control will not best me." I pales at the name. "How do you know that name? Why am I called that? How are they being controlled?" "All will be answered when I return. Now send me there, Chosen One!" I sent her back and she already had an arrow pointed at Ed's left eye.

"Who sent you here?" "Trisha Rivendale. She sent us here using mind control to come after Lucy." "When?" "Two hours ago. When we went to report to her. She was furious so she hypnotized us." "What weak humans! Giving in that easily to a power! Return and send her this message: we are coming, and we will not hold back. Now go!" She shot an arrow into a wall, and they ran out the front door. "Bring me back, girl!" I brought her back. "Now, I have some explaining to do, don't I?"

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