Chapter 24

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         I closed an eye in pain as the announcer introduced the girl I was fighting through the loudspeaker. "Tori Lang from Dirkst!" It was different, being the one in the arena watching from backstage or in the crowd. Tori totally wasn't what I expected. Her country hated innocence, and she was the opposite of innocent. She had a nose ring, a shirt with the words Today You Die with a dagger in a heart, and black leather boots. At her hip hung a set of grenades. I counted twelve. She cackled as we waited for the buzzer. Her buzzed cut black hair and popping burgundy eyes caught everyone's eye. "This should be a fun game! Nice ta meet ya Raven. I'm Tori. As you can see, I have grenades. What's your weapon?" "A sword." "A sword? Hah! Well, Miss Cloaked Raven, today you will meet your end. Today you will die!" I got serious, and slightly unsheathed my sword.

"Right back at you." Buzz! Tori clapped her hands together. She touched the earth and a big chunk lifted her into the air. Everyone watched her go higher and higher. She jumped and fell towards me. She tried to hit me, but I flipped away. She clapped her hands together again, and a cage made of earth trapped me. I slashed it using my sword and ran towards Tori. I leapt into the air, about to slash her when a block of earth came out and met me in the air. I clashed my sword with it and continued to fall. I landed safely. Her weakness is her hands. I just have to stop her from using them. Sword in hand, I raced towards her. She threw a grenade at me, but I couldn't move out of the way in time. I didn't want to reveal my power, so I took the hit. I went flying back; the wind was knocked out of me. My glasses slightly cracked.

Blood dripped down my forehead and I had cuts and scrapes on my arms and legs. Some of my clothes and cloak were charred. "What's wrong? Can't even use a power? Or what? Are you a Regular? How stupid of you to enter this!" She got closer, and I waited for my chance. I staggered as I stood, only to be kicked in the stomach. I fell to my knee; the only thing supporting me was my sword in the ground that I was holding onto. "You're just a weakling!" I became furious. As quickly as I could, I grabbed my sword and lunged. It went straight through her stomach. She gasped, looking down at the deed I had done. "," she shakily said. She slumped, most likely dead. The buzzer rang. The crowd cheered as my victory was announced. I stared at my bloody weapon in my hand. I backed away from Tori, and ran back to my friends, not even bothering to see Adam's reaction.

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