Chapter 3: Three Years Later

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It was the middle of fifth period, Professor Dante's class, and we were learning about how math is used in the real world when the 'Mysterious Man' unexpectedly came in. When the Professor yelled at him to leave the class, the man unraveled a gun from his pocket, and a ringing noise shot into the air. Professor Dante was on the ground, and a red liquid escaped his body. Blood. He lay on the floor, unmoving. He was dead. Everyone stayed in their seats, frozen in fear. It would be suicide to even move. The 'Mysterious Man' faced us and his eyes seemed to move across the room, as if looking for someone important. His gaze landed on me; it seemed he had found his person. He gave me a smile only a mad person would give.

The boy next to me was shot, and blood went everywhere. I never bothered to learn anyone's name, since names could easily be changed over and over. Ever since I was thrown out, names had become unimportant and useless to me. No one cared for me except Linda, so the world meant nothing to me. The boy fell to the ground, and blood eraded from his head where he had been shot. The 'Mysterious Man' kept his focus only on me, and was an expert on shooting, because as we looked at each other, he shot everyone around me. I couldn't look away, because his stare was hypnotizing. That was his power: bringing the fear out of people.

He was a Fate. He shot people in the heart, stomach, lungs, throat, and chest, until everyone was dead except me. He casually strolled towards me, like he was a sane person who hadn't just shot 29 students and a teacher in exactly three minutes . He stopped right in front of me, and I shook uncontrollably. He looked to be in his late thirties. "Hello Ms.Rivendale." My blood turned ice cold. "You know, your parents want you dead. But I know why. Would you like to know? Well, that's because you're the Chosen One. And for that reason, you must die," and he shot me in the leg. I yelped in pain and fell to the floor. As I held my leg, I felt something cool spread throughout my gray uniform. I turned my head and saw blood all around me. A girls lifeless eyes stared at me. I panicked, and the man pointed his gun at my head.

                 I screamed,"No!" Unexpectedly, the blood on the floor seemed to gather and rise off the floor. Is this my doing?, I thought. But I'm just a Regular! Just as quickly as I realized this, my mind cleared and said one word: attack. The blood hardened, and took the form of blades and daggers. "So I see you've finally shown your true power, Ms.Rivendale," he exclaimed. "Who knew your powers would come so late?" He smirked and as he was about to pull the trigger, I screamed, "Leave me alone!," and the blades and daggers flew straight at him. They entered his body, and I watched, horrified at what I had just done, and how I just murdered someone at the age of fourteen. He fell back, and and as I started to lose consciousness from using my power, a man bust through the door.

           "Police!," he shouted, and ten other men entered with him. I could hear bits of conversations. "Poor kids...all dead. None survived...Terrorist attack..." I croaked out, "H-help..." "We got a survivor! Damn, this kid sure is lucky. Get the paramedics! She's lost a lot of blood. Hang in there sweetheart!" Linda came into view, and despite the bloody scene, she hugged me tight and sobbed. "I'm so sorry Lucy! I'm so sorry!" I would have to keep my becoming a Fate a secret. The last thing I thought before plunging into darkness was Why was I ever born? Then I went limp.

A Journey Beyond:The Power InsideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang