Chapter 36

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Once again at Apollo's house, he set me down. Ed stood next to me and opened his mouth, carefully choosing his words. "Katey, do you need anything?" My bottom lip trembled. I looked up at my big brother, feeling dependent on him once more. "Just someone to sleep with," I barely managed to whisper. Apollo stepped forward and gently stared at me. "I will." A single tear fell from my eye; I had cried so much that I had nothing left to shed. "Is there anything I can do to help?," Misty asked. I slowly shook my head. Ed and Apollo left so she could help me. "Can you change by yourself?" I shook my head. Artemis helped me change into a new pair of pajamas. She settled me into bed, stroking my hair.

       "You can fight this. If I could accept Hannah's death, then you can accept Adam's." I hadn't even thought of that. But when I did, it felt like a punch to the gut. A lot of people have trouble with that. Acceptance. Accept? How? All I knew was that I eventually had to. Adam was dead. I curled into a ball. She stood and left the room. I drifted off into a deep sleep and felt Apollo's arms around me. I had another vision. He proposed to me on my 19th birthday. Four years from now. I told him yes and we started a family together. The god had been right. I wept in my sleep. There was no future with Adam. A sudden warm filled my chest as I heard that voice I already missed. "Lucy?" I sat up, frightened. His ghost stood before me; I cried silent tears of joy. I reached out to touch him, but my hand went right through him. I quickly pulled away. "Zeus let me see you one last time," he softly said.

     He studied my face. "Lucy, please don't cry. I thought I told you to be happy. Besides, you have Apollo to look out for you now. You've reunited with Ed, and Artemis is your friend." "But I want you." He sadly shook his head. "That's not an option anymore. I have to go now, but I hope this gives you closure." Some part of me know he was right. You can't bring back the dead. Some things are just meant to be let go. I gave him one of my biggest smiles. "Good luck!," I whispered. He slowly disappeared, giving me a warm smile. I smiled until he was really gone. My head throbbed from crying, so I lay close to Apollo. I need to move forward. For myself, my friends, and Adam. Even if it would be the most painful thing ever, I would still have to move on. I drifted off to sleep once more; I dreamt of all five of us having fun and laughing together. No death, nothing bad. Just us, enjoying our time in each other's company.

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