Chapter 34

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      Haley lay defeated; Artemis, Ed, Adam, and Apollo showed no signs of backing down, especially to Hilbert. Apollo held a staff in his hands, a blue and green eye present. He lifted his staff into the air, and beams of light shot down; the skeletons disintegrated. Hilbert was no longer in control. His black eyes were now red, and he held a two pronged fork. Artemis pulled out a silver arrow with a green tip. She shot it at the skeletons, melting them. Acid. She pulled another out, releasing it at Hades. It hit his thigh, making him groan in pain. I froze his feet to the ground. Artemis pulled out a golden arrow. She stabbed it into the ground. The spirits of fallen maiden warriors emerged from the ground and attacked. She fought alongside them, passing Ed and Adam.

          I left Artemis to Hades and approached Haley, who was collapsed on the floor. "May I speak with Hecate?" She immediately opened her eyes. "How may I help you, Chosen One?" I winced at the name. "I ask that you assist us in our battle between Hades." She quivered in excitement. "Oh, it has been so long since I have been able to emerge and battle! It is horrid, being allied to Hades, enemy of my parents Perses and Asteria, the Titans! I will aid you, but only this once. This woman is still unconscious, but will be separated from me when she wakes. No god will serve her, but we will continue to work with the rest of the family. I hope I meet your expectations, and that you are ready for what will come next." A glowing dagger appeared in her hands. "Power has been stored in my sacred weapon for several years. It would be stronger if that wretched woman had not used some of it for useless battle." She gave me a smile as she disappeared.

    "What the?" Bewildered, I turned towards Hades, and witnessed Hecate in action. She threw potions at him, irritating and cutting his skin. Artemis and her maidens were resting on one knee, exhausted. She was furiously whispering to herself. "Apollo!" Both Artemis and the goddess spoke in unison; he left Ed and Adam to the skeletons. Joining her side, they folded their hands together. They began to chant in Greek. The dark clouds moved and made way for the sun. The moon was also there. A solar eclipse. Rays of light and arrows came from all directions. Hecate moved as Hades was blinded by the light the arrows reflected from the sun. Their chanting grew louder as a portal to the underworld opened. Hades stumbled back, clinging onto the concrete so he wouldn't fall through the portal. His skeletons retreated. We were winning. Suddenly, Hades pulled a blade from his sleeve and threw it. It hit Adam straight in the stomach. A direct hit.

The god pulled Adam towards him, as if he was a puppet master. "I can finish you off since you are close to death!" "No!" I tried to pull him towards me using Telekinesis, but it was tough against a god. I was losing. Skeletons reemerged, occupying my friends. Adam was close to the portal. Hades let go, satisfied with his work. Adam was now clinging between the world of the living and the dead. I moved everything out of my way to reach him. Panic rose in my chest. He couldn't do it. He couldn't change fate. But what came next would be truly painful. The portal began to close, since the twins weren't chanting. We were running out of time. I grasped his hands and held on as tightly as I could. Blood seeped out of his mouth. He weakly smiled. "You have to let me go." "I can't! I can't lose you!," I sobbed. "Please. For us. I promise I'll be okay. happy." I gave him a final kiss. "I love you! I have ever since you confessed! Even when I said I didn't love you, I really did!" "Me too. And I will, for all eternity."

He let go, and fell down into the underworld, where he would surely remain in hell. "Adam!," I screamed. I watched as he fell down, down; the portal then closed. I felt something around my wrist. He had tied a bracelet with a metal piece; both of our names were engraved in it. Adam was right about one thing though. He changed the order of how he died and what would happen after. I sat there, slumped. A blemish in the ground was now the only real proof of both his existence and death. I cried and cried, for the loss of someone important to me. The world seemed like a cruel and sad place once more.

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