Chapter 38

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     The room was outstanding; thrones all around and in the center, an even bigger throne than the rest. Zeus himself sat in the middle. I was expecting the people they're contracted with, not the gods themselves. I stood in awe before an alarming amount of gods. Poseidon. Hera. Hemera. Aphrodite. Ares. Dionysus. Hephaestus. Artemis and Apollo. Even Athena, and so many more. As I walked further in, they rose from their seats and kneeled before me. I stopped in my tracks. Even Nike, the goddess of victory, showed me respect. This was all very confusing. "Welcome, Lucy Hughes. Or should I say Kate Rivendale." His deep voice boomed throughout the room. "That other name no longer belongs to me," I stated. His eyes squinted in understanding. "I see." His striking blue eyes and gray hair made him seem a bit younger than older. He wore a traditional Greek tunic, with golden pins at his shoulders and a belt with a lightning bolt across his waist. The wrinkles on his face crinkled in amusement.

"What type of goddess would you like to be, Chosen One?" I put a finger on my temple and tapped it. "Hmm." I need to choose carefully. The goddess of Destruction? No. The goddess of emotions? A title popped into my mind. Grinning, I proudly said, "The goddess of life. I perfectly understand what humans go through and the trouble and hardships they deal with." The gods murmured in agreement. Poseidon lifted his trident and hit it hard against the floor. Everyone silenced as his brother spoke. "Meet your new ally and fellow goddess: Lucy, the goddess of life." "Actually, I think I'd prefer it if you all called me Raven. My human friends can call me Lucy." "Very well. Raven will be the goddess who interacts with humans the most. Since we owe a great debt to her, we will aid her whenever she wishes it." He appeared in front of me, and rested a hand on my shoulder. He was 7'8, towering over me. "How does it feel to be a god?" "Kind of the same. I know I'll stay young forever, though. I'll be doing lots things on earth, so my appearance will change from time to time. I'll stay here next month for a couple of weeks, to see how a god should be." "You'll do just fine." He walked past me, and out the door.

Others followed their leader. A familiar voice caught my attention. "Hello, cutie." "Good to see you again, pervert." "Its Apollo!," he protested. He was smacked in the head by his twin. "What does she mean by that? What did you do to her? Tell me Raven, so I can punish him." "It's alright," I laughed. I turned to Apollo. "You were right. I will end up marrying Apollo." He laughed in triumph. "See? See? I told you! The god of oracles knows what he's doing!" Artemis shoved him aside. "If you ever wish to go on a hunt with my maidens and I, you are always welcome." "Thank you." She curtsied, and Apollo bowed. They walked away as a friend approached me. "How has the experience been so far?" "Amazing. Thank you, Hecate." I handed her back her bracelet. "I think you need this. Besides, I'm getting help from you guys with our without it." She tenderly smiled as she gracefully accepted it. A bracelet appeared on my wrist, above the one Adam gave me. Since the day he died, I've never once taken it off. "What symbols will you choose?" After thinking about it, I had an idea.

"A rainbow colored eye and a growing tree." The bracelet everyone wore began to shine. My symbol was added to the gods' now. "What will be your weapon of choice?" That part was easy. "A soul sword. I can see the troubles in people. Of course, it's for battle as well." "I hope we can work together as fellow goddesses to help this damaged world." We shook hands, then I headed back down to earth.

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