Chapter 32

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           I woke up screaming, and Adam and Apollo raced into my room. Apollo quickly embraced me; Adam took my hands in his. "What's wrong?," he asked. I sobbed into Apollo's shirt. I couldn't bear to look at either guy; the pain was too much. Ed burst in and noticed my state. "What?" "He's dead! I saw it! He's dead!" "Who is?" "Adam!," I wailed. "Calm down. Breathe," Apollo encouraged. "I'm right here," Adam dumbfoundedly said. "The oracle has spoken to her. I'll take a peek." Apollo put his forehead to mine. Five seconds later, he pushed away from me, falling to his knees. "It happened again. He stole a good soul. Again!," he trembled. "Damn it!," he punched the floor in anger.

       "Can someone please tell me what's going on?," Adam sighed. "The oracle. We battle Lucy's father and my parents. You. You die." His eyes widened in shock. "How?" "You and Edward battle Hilbert and. And he stabs you, sending your soul to Hell. Adam, you can't go with us to fight them. I don't want you to die," I croaked. After a moments silence, he spoke. "No." "W-what?" "I said no. We can change fate. And even if I die, at least I know it was for something worthwhile. Protecting you and saving you from those people is my priority." I stared at him in astonishment. Change fate? Is that even possible?

Adam further explained. "Artemis was destined to be someone's wife, but did she take that? No. Ed was supposed to marry some girl, bun did he? No! If we're confident enough, and willing to make a change, then we can change fate!" Head down, Apollo trembled. He then lifted his head and laughed. "What's so funny?" "Ha ha! Nothing, nothing, my rival! Just that you're the first person in eons that wants to go against the three Fates and my oracle. They heard your little speech. And they have accepted your challenge." We all blankly stared at Apollo. Our silence was interrupted by my brother. "Sooo... how are we going to fight them?" "With sheer force," Artemis said, leaning against the doorway. "I will fight for my freedom with all I have. I have a score to settle with my old man." Apollo rose from the floor.

"So what's the plan?" "First of all, we need to plan an ambush." They still live in the same house, so breaking in should be easy enough," Artemis piped up. She unfolded a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to me. It was a map of a mansion. "I stole it before I left that house." "This will be helpful." We decided that we'd infiltrated from the inside. The twins said there were many ways to get in. Ed and Apollo would wait outside for Haley and try to finish her off quickly. I earned them about her mist, to which they replied with a sigh. Artemis and I would sneak in as maids and attack from the inside. Adam would be backup, since we were all worried for his safety.

    "Word has it that your father is staying there too. How convenient," Apollo added. "This should be especially easy then." We readied our weapons and prepared ourselves for the fight that was to come.

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