Chapter 8: Seven Years Ago

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When I turned 8 years old, my parents started to beat me. My father, James Rivendale, and my mother, Trisha Rivendale, were cruel people. They flicked people away like flies, and used people to make money, raise their status, and make them bankrupt. I was the youngest of two children, with a brother 2 years older than me. He would be 27 on September 24 this year. His name was Edward Rivendale. I called him Ed though; it was easier to say. He had green eyes that changed to brown, but had my mother's blonde hair. I had my grandmother's hair, and my grandpa's eyes, but never got to meet either of them; they died a month before I was born.

           After my 8th birthday, my parents beat me to unleash my power before I turned ten so my marriage could be arranged sooner. My kind brother comforted me after beatings, but did nothing when I was hit. The trauma must have been enough to keep my powers hidden , because I never showed my power once. The day finally came for me to take the Test. I was 20 years old, and had so many scars and bruises that I had lost all meaning in life. When the results came back, I discovered I was a Regular. Out of anger, my parents beat me in a way that no parent would ever want to do to their child or even let them see. I was kicked out later that evening, and stripped of my last name. I occasionally collapsed on the way to the registration office to change my name; when I did reach it, the memory of my beating and family was no longer there, and I felt no pain for two months.

After Linda took me in, I had so many bruises that she took me to a doctor to get checked out. The only way for me to heal was for time to be on my side. They did eventually heal, but some were so bad that they throb in pain sometimes. I thought there was no meaning to life anymore, except to survive and stay hidden. I never looked in the mirror; it hurt too much to see what pain was inflicted on me. I never unleashed my power either, until I had lost everything and almost died.

A Journey Beyond:The Power InsideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora