Chapter 23

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After several months of sleeping on stiff college mattresses I finally got the comfort of sleeping on my own bed.

I woke up with a peaceful state of mind, my body was relaxed although it didn't stop the constant reminders of him. He was etched everywhere, I couldn't still almost smell that strong scent of his.

My thoughts were stopped by my phone going off, I opened it to see a message from Buddy.

Buddy: Hey, sorry I couldn't make it yesterday but I heard your in town so I'm going to come visit you! Is it ok if my girlfriend joins us? Thanks

Me: sure, can't wait to see you and yep bring her along.

I didn't want his girlfriend coming but of course she wouldn't like Buddy meeting a female friend she was unaware of.

My parents were already downstairs having breakfast so I quickly got myself dressed and brushed my teeth to meet them downstairs.

"Morning" mother smiles warmly. I think everyone could feel that tense wight being lifted off of us.

"Morning" I chirp bring my lips. "Dad, you shouldn't be eating that much butter" I sigh. I found out more about his health last night and although it was a minor heart attack it still scared me.

"Oh cmon, it's only for today"

"And the next, and the day after that and then the day after-" mother raises her eyebrows.

"Alright alright god I'll put it away" he sighs and mother and I laugh in defeat.

"So how's work going for you dad" mother joins at the table and hands me the breakfast she's made me, I mouth a quick thanks.

"Your father wasn't well and had to leave the company for a while" mother says and I knew it was because of me.

"I ruined you career"

"No, I let myself become a wallowing mess so I ruined it by myself" father says, he was only a wallowing mess because of me.

"How about we go to the shopping centre or something, I'd love to go down memory lane before I leave" I chuckle and mother and father hesitate. "What?"

"It's just- we think it's best if you stay home love" my mum says.


"Let's just say there's a lot of judgemental people"

"I don't care" I say bravely, although now that they mentioned it I was a little frightful of how people would look toward me. "I'm going with Buddy" I tell mother and myself, if I went with Buddy I'd have some sort of comfort.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea" mother says anxiously.

"She can't hide forever" my father says in annoyance. "What's done is done and if people want to be so small minded than so be it" I was surprised at his own answer, my father never paid much attention to me other than my grades but suddenly it felt like he was starting to understand me.

"That's sorted then" I let out a breath.

I called Dan asking me if he wanted to meet me after all, since he wasn't doing anything he agreed. Also, I thought it'd be awkward me third wheeling Buddy and his girlfriend, and it'd be the perfect opportunity for Buddy and Dan to get to know each other.

I wore a fitted blouse and jeans with my low heels, I decided to curl my hair and apply some makeup since it had been a while.

Dan phoned me letting me know he's outside, just like old times I said bye to my parents and left to meet Dan.

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