Hagwon (OSSHUN )

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Authors note: from all the requests I'm gonna start with rappers I haven't written before then start the recurring rappers ❤️

You dragged your feet up the dusty old staircase of the English academy your professor signed you into. No, it was not because you didn't know any English, in fact you were a native speaker, you had to be in the class to assist others.

Your professor came up with the bright idea of having foreigners placed in hagwon classes to give korean students a chance to make friends and better their English, and in return you would get an allowance.
No kid in this day and age will deny a little sum of money for just sitting in a class and not taking any tests now would they ?

You pushed open the door, expecting to find a bunch of stressed students but instead you found three people looking they wished they were somewhere else.

The first person was a girl up front. She had slick black hair tucked behind her pierced ears and had her feet propped up on the desk as she texted away at her phone.

The second was a boy who gave you a wink as you looked over which immediately annoyed you. He was short, frizzy haired wearing clothes twice his size and had sweet wrappers all around him.

The last person was a boy sitting at the back closer to the door where you were still standing. He had pastel blue hair, his tall frame almost too big for the medium sized desk. He had his earphones in as he scribbled in a tatted notebook.

He was definitely the most viable person in this room so you decided to take the seat in front of him.

Just as you sat down you noticed him peer up at you in confusion. Probably wondering what the hell a foreigner would need to be in a hagwon for.

"A-are you the teacher ?" He asked pulling out one of his earphones.

"No I'm a student" you replied with a smile.


"Student help to be precise" I corrected myself and he nodded and returned a smile.

He looked around the room, his expression matched mine a few minutes ago.

"The teacher usually doesn't show up to our class because we're from one of the lower standard schools" he explained while returning to his scribbles in his notebook.

"Don't your parents pay for this ? What's the point of coming to class then ?" I questioned as I watched the short boy draw on the wall beside him.

"If we attend one hour whether there's a teacher or not we will get extra credit and trust me we need it" he smiled, "wanna go to the rooftop ? It's recess."

You followed the tall boy through the empty building and up into the rooftop where the icy wind hit your face. You didn't know why you were here with or him or why you were so intrigued by him.

"Do you mind if I write about you ?" He asked casually as he slid down against the building wall that shielded him from the wind.

"Excuse me ?"

"I'm a rapper and I've been having writers block lately" he sighed, "I'm going to appear on this show soon and my mentor told me I should develop some emotion into my writing."

"But you don't even know me how could you possibly gain any sort of emotion ?" You chuckled sitting down next to him.

"Well...can I kiss you ?" He asked his eyes meeting yours.

"Wait what ?"

"Can...I...kiss...you ?" He spoke again, stressing out each word.

You were so confused by this boy but a part of you wanted to find out if it will work. Kissing a stranger and gaining an emotional feeling from it seems highly unlikely.

You nodded and he leaned in, you could smell his aroma wrap around you. He smelt like cinnamon something you wouldn't quite associate with a rapper.

"Wait" you stopped him.

"Is something wrong ?" He asked looking at you with concern.

"We don't even know each other's names" you laughed nervously, "isn't that weird ?"

The boy smiled, showing off a dimple you didn't even realize he had and brushed back his hair.

"If you feel anything after this kiss I'll tell you my name, deal ?" He held out his hand.

You took his hand and nodded once more. He tugged lightly on your arm until your lips were on his and it felt as if your body was melting away into a puddle. He wasn't rough or dominating. He allowed you to move first and followed your lead. He gently caressed your face as he sighed into the kiss, obviously enjoying it as much as you were.

Another tug and you moved onto his lap deepening the kiss. His long arms wrapped tightly around your waist as your hands found his hair. It felt like it lasted forever, you wanted it to last forever until you felt him slowly pull away and a huge smile spread across his face.

"My name is Hamin."


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