|Author's Note and Explanation|

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Well! That was fun!

My first time actually completing a book and I feel like it went well. This book mostly started from a brain dump on the computer I had. And I thought it would be an interesting plot.

It's not until now that I realize the beginning was somehow odd compared to how the rest of the book went...

But it ended well, didn't it?

Or at least, it ended.

The ending was somehow difficult; one, because I was confusing on what I wanted to do, and two, because I didn't want to end the book.

Somethings in the book are based off of actual emotions I've felt. Many of them were not. I used this book as an outlet most of the time, but I didn't want there to be a case where...

Never mind.


Anyway, if you guys were curious, the names in the book are based of others. Not going to name any people specifically, but Taye, Gemini, Simi, and Lusiel are names from either other characters or people, but just twisted a bit.

The setting of the story was kind of.... odd. So if you didn't understand, here it is:

- So at the beginning, the main character would sleep off and end up somewhere else. That was Lusiel's work. That in her head, also Lusiel. He manipulated a lot of things. Also, they are in another universe in a way.

Lusiel just had his way when he was, you know, "not alive", of getting moving people. He was like the small key or piece that connected everyone together and got them there. Which is why the main character slept and ended in another place, and Taye following as well.

- If I was to be completely honest, a good majority of the beginning was controlled by Lusiel as well. It was not until Gemini started to get closer to her and more interested did Lusiel begin to lose control of them all, ruining his plan slowly.

That is why in the end they were able to go back.
I just want to say thank you guys for reading. I'll consider writing another book soon, but for the time being I will be editing stuff, as well as counting how pages total this book is. 😅😂

Thank you! ❤️

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