-3: To the bridge-

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Stairs trailed elegantly against the wall to a beautiful open living room. It was almost like the majority of the house only consists of white and black, creating breathtaking and unique designs. If you thought the living room was stunning though, then compared to the kitchen, the kitchen would kill you instantly. Just imagine the most beautiful kitchen but twenty times better.

But it looks almost like your dream kitchen...

Exactly like it, to be honest...

In fact, this entire house so far has looked exactly like what you have dreamt of....

Dangerously close. Before you had enough time to think much into it though, a voice echos across to you.

"Hey!" You turn to see J running down the stairs at some unbelievable ultra fast speed and pretty much collides into you.

"Hey yourself", you respond while pushing him off and adjusting yourself. "Um, why does this place look the way it does?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean the house looks like something I have dreamt of before... Almost identical to be honest." You look him square in the eyes.

"Oh!" He lets out a small laugh. "That is because this place was made for you." He says while he heads to grab a box of cereal from the kitchen cabinet and milk from the fridge. "I mean this is kind of your world. Sorta." He takes a spoonful into his mouth. "Oh by the way, go change. We're going out."

"Wait what?"

"Clothes are in the room. Go change. You have ten minutes."


"Go." He continues to eat and doesn't look back as you go upstairs with a baffling look on your face. This dude is weird...

You enter your room and head straight for the closet and are amazed to see how big it is. It has EVERYTHING. You didn't even have to decide on what to eat because they were all so good you didn't care! White washed jeans, white long sleeve and black and white shoes. Your hair looked okay so you didn't pay attention to it much.

Aren't you putting too much thought into it?


But you look like you're going on a date...


After a while, you emerge out of your room in absolute full glory! (At least that it what you imagined.) As you land at the bottom of the stairs, you see J in a different outfit. Black shirt, light ripped jeans, and black timbs. Even though a bit messy, his hair looks like perfect wind-blown material.

"Let's go!!" He grabs your hand and leads outside for the first time. A beautiful black car awaits for you. No way... this is too cool...

"Yeah, I know right?", says J.

"I mean it's just-" Wait, how did he-

"Oh yeah, I can hear your thoughts sometimes. When I really want to listen I can hear it. But anyway let's go!"

"You keep saying let's go, but go where?"

"You will see. In the meantime, pick your name for goodness sake or I'll pick it for you." Both if you enter the car and buckle up.

After a while, J breaks the silence.

"Hey, so did you decide yet?"

"Ugh.." This was getting annoying. "Okay, just call me Scarlet."

"Scarlet... Alright!" He begins to say the name over and over again. Are you serious?

A sudden thought came to mind.

"Hey J, am I going to be in this world forever?"

You don't hear any response and turn to see that J's expression turned somewhat cold.

"Never mind..." Maybe you'll ask later. His reactions and face changed abruptly when you asked. Did you say something wrong?

There is silence once again in the car. You check the time and see it's 5:27pm.

"Wait a minute, you still haven't told me where we are going to." If he couldn't answer that question, then at least he can answer to this one.

"A bridge."

"A bridge? Why a bridge?"

"You will see. Just wait. And stop asking questions."

And with that, you didn't ask any questions or utter a word after.


"Oooooh!" You are shocked to see how amazing this bridge is. It connects the main land to this small island that hasn't been touched in forever. Even though it is a bit away from the city, you can still the distant lights behind you. The spot has a close dock and old boardwalk nearby.

Before you had realized it though, J had already made to the end of the boardwalk and sat on the edge. You rushed over to him, but before you got close enough, you noticed how peaceful, yet worried he looked. So quiet, and so....

You couldn't find the right words...

He looks so zoned out as you looks up at the now cloudy skies, leaning back on his arms. The cool breeze blows through his hair. In the midst of the lonely and calm environment, he speaks but his words are carried away with the breeze, and lets out a deep sigh.

You found yourself staring at this mysterious man. As unusual but beautiful as he seemed, just as beautiful as everything else in this strange world, the way he acts is odd. This person, you want to learn more about him.

"Are you going to stop staring?" He turns his head to see you standing there. A smile quickly appears on his face and he gestures you to sit next to him. "Come sit."

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