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This is odd... yet intriguing, isn't it...

This world. This place. A strange man claiming he is to be your friend. A split world. Huh? Look what you have gotten yourself into... You just can't help but put yourself in trouble all the time, can you? Ugh, pathetic. Can't you just get your-"

"Shut up..." you whisper to yourself.

Aww, can't handle the thoughts... Aren't they all true, though? Just let it be. Just accept it. They all belong to you, don't they? Just accept them. It's who you are! Someone who can't control themselves. Someone who is suffering for something they didn't do, didn't know about, and can't fix. That is you, the victim. Or maybe, the cause. Confuse yourself more. Just become the worthless and hopeless piece of-

"I SAID-" Your voice raises as you smash your head on the wall.

"Shut up." Red ink trickles down your face and is smeared all over. "... you are."

Taking in a breath, you walk to what you assume is your personal bathroom, which is stunning in your opinion, and rinse your face and bandage the injury.

"This isn't going to work." The reflection in the mirror is you but isn't you. Beautiful but ugly. Confident yet a coward. Sane but much more insane. You can't tell anymore. You can't give up but it is painful. You can't let 'it' take over. "Let's just deal with what we got." Taking a last look at this strange person you see in silk white sleepwear....

You find yourself in the hallway looking for J. You hadn't responded to a word he said before he disappeared. Should you really be here? Was he really your friend or just someone who said he was? Was he going to use you? Money rituals? Slavery? Concubine? What if you can't escape this place? Is there a way out? How did you even get here in the first place?

Question after question flooded into your mind.

A throbbing pain arises for a moment and you became dizzy.

Don't think too much. You will lose yourself~

"Where do you think you are going?" You turn to see J leaning on the wall.

"I was looking for-"

"Oh I almost forgot! What do you want to be called?"

You raised your eyebrow at his words. What you want to be called? Your name is Ara, or at least...

"In this place, you can be called whatever you want." He flashed a smile quite brightly.

You think about yourself and what life has been to you. The pains...

"Scarlet? Crimson? Fallen? Oh! How about Caste? Or Stigma?" J begins to list countless amount names, making you tired.

"How about we talk about that later?" You force a smile on your face, as you walk up to him. "So, who exactly are you?"

"Hmm..." he takes a minute to think. "Well, I'm not a spirit or anything. I am a real person that has been here for years waiting for you. I was made specially for you. I'm one of the few thinks you cannot change on this world. Even if this place was to be destroyed, I won't change. I have my own will, unlike some of the things here."

You are stunned by this information. So you can do anything here?

"And before you ask, no you can't do anything, but you can change things. This place was made for when you need to correct your mental state. It took you longer than before though to finally unlock. You must have been suppressing everything very hard. But you can't stop it can you..." He laughs a little.

The weight of body can't be held up by your legs anymore. Too much info to think about. Before you could fall, J catches you.

"You are going to enjoy it here..." he whispers.

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