Chapter Twenty-six

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Wedding day
"I can't believe I'm doing this!" I said as tiana adjusted my dress.

"Oh my god is this real life I think I'm gonna pas out"

"Bitch if you don't calm down we don't need you having a panic attack right now.. how the hell we gonna get this big ass dress in a ambulance" shanti said and everybody burst into laughter.

"Shut up" I laughed looking in the mirror at myself.

"Is this dress to extra I feel like it is?" I asked turning to them.

"Girl you are a rich celebrity your supposed to be extra now come on before you miss your own wedding.

She said grabbing my arm. She tossed the veil over my face and told me to wait for my cue behinds the door. I did as told as she went to her seat.

"O my god" I kept whispering to myself.

My dad was the last person I wanted to walk me down the aisle so I got ques to do it he had always been a father figure to me we laughed about how corny it was while planning it.

"Alright heaven gave us our cue" he said hooking his arm with mine.

I felt my nerves going crazy in my head. Is this really happening? Am I about to get married? Am o really getting married to Marius? Mazzi the kid I've known since kindergarten that one? 🙄 oh god here we go.

We walked through the double doors and everything got silent except for the music playing in the background and the sounds of flashing cameras going off in all directions.

I squeezed ques arm getting nervous. I looked to the front to see mazzi standing there smiling at me I blushed and looked away and saw heaven Lexi and Michael all waving at me from the front row.

"Hi mommy" Michael whisper yelled to me causing me and the audience to silently laugh.

"Hi babies" I said back to them.

When we made it to the front I stood infront of mazzi anxious as ever. He took the veil from infront of my face and I was staring directly at him.

"Do you Marius listhrop take this woman akira smith to have and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

Mazz squeezed my hand and smiled.

"I do" he looked my right in my eyes.

"And do you akira smith take this man Marius listhrop to have and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

I looked around the room at all the people I knew. My friends shanti..ques..tiana...Travis then I looked at my kids. Alexis and Michael and my new niece heaven. I smiled to myself thinking of all the crazy stuff I did to get to this moment.

"Is there a problem" mazz asked me worriedly causing my to look back at him.

"No I'm fine"

"I do" I said.

"Well I now pronounce you husband and may now kiss the bride"

Mazz pulled me to him in a swift motion and kissed me. I saw cameras flash and everyone cheered the twins and heaven looked at each other in disgust causing me to laugh.

"I can't believe I just gave away my little girl my sweet sweet sweet akira What am o gonna do without you yelling at me and getting on my last nerve oh noooo" ques cake cried wiping imaginary tears from his eyes.

"Boy shut up" shanti laughed hitting him on the back of the head playfully.

"Ow shanti dang hit like a boxer bout damn near broke my neck" he said causing all of us to laugh.

"No I do not" she said back.

"Look like one though" mazz said lowly Tracy and ques heard causing all of them to butter out in laughter again.

"Ayee just cause it's yo wedding day don't mean you can't catch these hands" shanti laughed.

Akira's pov
After me and mazzi got married that same month we found out we were expecting another child ironic right.

We ended up with another boy and we named him Marcus. The twins and both 13 now and they are trying acting out there actually really good if I do say so myself.

Lexi can sing really well and she wants to become a singer and I believe she could do it she is really determined for a thirteen year old.

And Michael still wants to be a NBA all star and he works really hard. When we got enough money we bought a bigger house with an indoor basketball ball court all day everyday him Marcus and mazz are out there while me and Lexi do our thing.

Marcus who is just turned eight wants to and astronaut I mean... he is eight but if that's what he really wants to do I support him😂. He can draw really well and I hope he can use that talent for visual arts or something. He likes basketball as well but his art is in art and drawing.

Travis and shanti are expecting a girl in January I can't believe those two are gonna be parents as crazy as they are oh my god they gone have a field day. I can't wait to see that happen😂.

Heaven is also 13 now and her and Lexi are like bestfriends they are always up to something heaven is a sweet heart really and even though she's adopted I love her so much tiana is lucky to have her.

Tiana and ques are getting married in March of 2018 and they're having there wedding in the islands cause you know they extra 🙄😂.

But I have to say all the hell I went through to get it Here was worth it I mean rich famous happily married with three kids I don't see life getting any better than it is it just isn't possible.

I had fun thankyou....the end

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