😲✌Chapter Five😲✌

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Btw their all 25

Akira's pov

I raced out of the store as soon a possible my hands were shaking and my heart was beating like I just ran a marathon.

I finally made it outside to my rental car I hopped in and took a deep breath. I put my head in hands trying to catch my breath. That wasn't him right?? That was somebody else.

I shook my head. Yea totally somebody else who wears a mask and all black that such a logical explanation.

I started the car huridley driving to my photo shoot. I haven't seen him in five years and the first thing he says is... yOu liVe OuT heRe?? I mean no apology a simple I'm sorry would've been the right way to go but then again I probably would've still ran away shaking.

Did I hear my conversation with my Michael??

I sighed I was over thinking it as soon as I get back to L.A and see my babbies I won't even remember I saw him.

Befor I knew it I was at my shoot.

Mazzi's pov

"Marius" briana snapped at me.

"What?!?" I jumped a little. She rolled her eyes at me and got out of the uber then I saw that we were here.

I got out and jogged to catch up with her.

"My bad baby I'm sorry" I said grabbing her hand.

"Sorry for what not paying attention to me all day or being zoned out all the time??" She snapped again taking her hand away from mine and walking ahead of me.

I shook my head. I can't do anything right can I. I like Briana and all but she was one of those people who made you feel like you meant nothing  like you were below her.

I started dating her about a year ago after I stopped being depressed about the Akira thing. I was in a bad spot when I meet her and she took advantage of it but i didn't relise it till now... why??

"Ques??" I said walking over to him when he saw me he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Scar...damn I haven't seen you in a minute" he said giving me a bro hug.

"Same man same how have you been" I asked.

"I've been cooling" he said.

"How come you all the way out here??" I asked.

"Shooting my music video" he said gesturing to the space around us.

"Oh so this is your shoot" I said nodding my head.

"Yuhp not to be rude but how come you here??" He said looking past me.

"My uh.. my girlfriend is supposed to be in the video" I said lowly.

"Ohhh which one??" He asked the question confused me.

"What's her name??" Ques laughed.

"Ohhh briana" I said.

"No offense but you gotta go like right now" ques said grabbing my arm.

"Wait why" I said stopping him.

"Imma be completely honest man.. kira just pulled up and you can't be here cause if she see's you I'm dead" he said looking around frantically.

"Wassup ques" I heard Akira say from somewhere behinde me.

"Oh hey ma-scar" she said nervously she twisted the ring on her finger. I looked at the ring a second time and recognized it as the promise ring I gave her. She actually kept it?

"I'll just excuse myself" she said walking back outside.

"Hmm??" Ques said a confused look on his face.


"She just took that better than I thought" he shrugged.

"Ques we need you to get dressed" one of the stage crew yelled.

"Ight.. I gotta blast but if you stay just keep away from kira please cuz I'm to young to die" he said jogging away from me.

"Okay" I said. I didn't hear anything he just said I walked out side to try and find kira I walked around for a minute then saw her leaning against a wall talking on her phone.

I started walking in here direction and-.

"Hey baby I was looking for you" briana said jumping infront of me.

"Looking for me you walked away from me remember" I said looking past her at akira.

"Well it dosent matter I need you to find me a nice outfit" she said dragging me away.

"But I go to-"

"Have to what?!?" She said looking at me.

"What could possibly be more important than me??" She snapped. I couldn't tell her I was going to talk to my ex and I couldnt say I was going to talk to a girl because she would have even more of an atitude.

"Nothing" I sighed shaking my head.

"I thought so" she said rolling her eyes and dragging me to the dressing area.

I looked back at akira and we made eye contact for a seconde befor she looked away and at her phone.

By just looking at her face it looked like she missed someone but it wasn't me. But it made me feel  some type of way but then she was out of my site. Another opportunity out the window I mentally slapped myself for being an idiot for the seconde time today.

Akira's pov

"Ques I know you did not invite him here" I said running my hand through my hair looking him directly in the eye.

"Sis I promise I didn't know he was gone be here" he said holding his arm's out infront of him.

"Ughh" I groaned. I don't know what God has against me but whatever it is im sorry I'm so so so sorry but please leave me alone and let me be happy with my twins stop throwing stuff in the mix.

"I give up on life" I said sitting down.

"Don't worry I told him to avoid you he shouldn't do nun" ques said sitting down next to me.

"I'm not worried about him Im worried about his bitch" ques looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yes I cussed get over it" I laughed.

"Well now I got's to know what she did" he sat back looking at me amused.

To be continued....

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