💼🍃Chapter Two🍃💼

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A month later

"You sure you wanna live all the way over here" travis said getting some of my stuff out of the car.

"Yuhp the farther away from him the better" I said rolling my eyes.

"Plus its only the other side of town it's not like I moved to Alaska" I laughed grabbing some bags out of the car.

I walked into my new house seeing the furniture all in place.

"Ayo we getting paid for this??" Ques said carrying in the TV.

"Sure not" I said sitting on the couch.

"Man shanti how come she get to sit down I'm tired to" Travis whined.

"Well Travis when your one month pregnant you can sit down to" shanti said making everyone except travis laugh.

"I think that's it anyway" Tiana said carrying in the last box.

"Thankgod" Travis said falling out on the couch.

"How the hell am I supposed to see my neice or nephew if you don't wanna come on that side of town" Tiana asked.

"Y'all know where I live" I said with with little attitude.

"My bad hormones" I sighed leaning back on the couch.

"No problem girl I get it" she said

"Kira??" Ques asked coming out of the kitchen.

"Yuhp" I said looking over to him. He raised his eyebrow at me and I already knew what he was asking.

"No I did not" I said shaking my head.

"Man come on" ques said shaking his head at me.

"I don't plan on telling him anything he doesn't deserve to know" I said folding my arms like a child.

"I mean I get it I would prbably do the same thing but you have to tell him eventually" shanti said sitting down next to Travis.

"Maybe I will.... one day" I said looking at the tv.

Later that day

Everybody finnaly left after helping set up stuff and I felt dizzy so I laid down in my new bed.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

Cheater💔🔪- please talk to me im so so sorry baby please
Cheater💔🔪- I haven't seen you in a whole month please come home already I really am sorry
Cheater💔🔪- kira...baby Don't do this to me

I rolled my eye's and tossed my phone across the room it landed on the carpet with a small thud.

I haven't talked to him since the incident and I don't plan on doing it. I needed to be stress free I'm pregnant and stress isn't good for my baby so I'm staying stress free.

Avoiding mazz has been easy but avoiding the paparazzi was the hardest part I kept everything including my pregnancy out of the media they probably just think we broke up.

"Your gonna be amazing one day" I say talking to the baby.

"Don't be like your dad though he totally sucks" I said laughing to myself.

"I wonder if your a boy or a girl" I said rubbing my stomach.

"Dosent matter I love you anyway" I said dozing off to sleep.

Mazzi's pov

"What do you mean you don't know where she is" I said frustrated. 

"I mean I don't know she dosent wanna see you or talk to you" ques said annoyed.

"Come on man give me something she won't answer my calls or texts or anything how am I supposed to say sorry if I can't get in contact with her?!?!" I said tugging at my hair.

"I'm sorry honestly ain't nothin I can do to change her mind I tried" he said in a defeated tone.

"Yea man thanks" I said hanging up and collapsing onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling thinking.

She was good for me kept my out of trouble put up with selene and everything and what did I do cheat on a perfectly good girl for some bitch i meet at the club.

I shook my head ashamed of myself. Now I'll probably never see her again or talk to her again.

I picked up my phone and scrolled down the many messages I sent that she ignored over half of them saying sorry.

"What happened to me" I semi yelled my voice only echoed through the empty house no reply no answer nothing.

This is going to drive me insane I know bad things happen when I'm alone but i guess that's my own fault.

I got up and grabbed my keys walking outside the many cameras flashing as I stepped out.

"Are you and actress Akira Smith still together" one of them yelled. I walked past them ignoring their questions. And got in my car.

I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore I'm lost its like Akira was the only thing guiding me and I lost her.

I drove off heading to the studio to clear my head.

Mikeques pov

Me and Travis were at the studio mixing some beats for fun when scar walked in. Me and travis looked at each like 'what the fuck' but we ain't say nothin.

"Uh..wassup" he said sitting in one of the chairs.

I chucked my head up at him and travis said wassup. We sat there for a good minute not saying anything to each other.

"So you recording anything today" Travis said to scar while side eyeing me.

He said something back but it was muffeled by the mask he was wearing.

"Say that again"

"I gotta go" he said standing up.

"How come?" I asked.

"Because it's fucking insane to sit in the same room and basically act like strangers" he semi yelled.

Well you are the one who cheated on my sister. I wanted to say something smart back but i just bit my tounge.

I just nodded and turned back to the sound board. I heard the door slam and I figured he left.

"Damn" Travis whispered

"I know right that nigga look like he don't know what to do with his life"

"I know right when has he ever come to the studio without a song written" Travis said sitting down beside me.

"I think I might be sorry but I'm still up to kicking his ass for doing that to kira" I said.

"Yea but what kira doing is worse not telling him he's gonna be somebodys dad in a few months that's kinda selfish"

I nodded my head in agreement and he went inside the booth.

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