Chapter Twenty Five

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Akira's pov
Today was the twins birthday and we were having a party. All of friends were here and their parents and of course tiana ques shanti and Travis were here.

"Auntie auntie auntie can I have a cookie please" heaven asked me.

"Mhmm if you don't tell your mommy" I said smiling down at her.

"I won't I promise" she said hooking her pinkie with mine. I nodded and handed her the cookie she ran off back to were the kids were. 

I heard the screams and giggles coming from the living room as kids ran around playing games and talking.

"Mazzi!" I yelled over them.

"Yea coming" I heard him yell. A couple seconds later he appeared in the kitchen covered in silly string. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You having more fun than the kids aren't you" I laughed.

"Maybe" He said kissing me cheek.

"Can you take the cake in there for me" I said pointing to the dinning room. He nodded doing as told. Blue and pink confetti was spread across the table and the cake was in the middle. 

I called everybody in to sing happy birthday all the kids were at the front and the twins stood on chairs so that everybody could see them. 

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you....." and well ya know the rest. They blew out the candles and everybody clapped and snapped pictures and what not.

"Cake!!!" Michael yelled almost falling down from the chair. Lexi grabbed the candle licking the icing off of it.

"Hmm" she smiled and nodded.

"Auntie auntie auntie can we get cake now?" Heaven said pulling at my shirt.

"Yea" I said picking her up and putting her on my hip. Ques and mazzi started cutting the cake and tiana and shanti were handing it out.

We all sat around talking while the kids giggled and ate cake then it was time for them to open presents.

We all gathered around the table again and mazz insisted that I stand beside him.

"Awww smile babies" shanti said snapping pictures of the kids she looked like she was about to cry.

"You crying cuz?" Ques joked she punched him in the shoulder playfully.

"Mommy I wanna open this one" Lexi said holding up a blue and pink wrapped present.

"Okay baby" I said and she began to tear the wrapping paper off smiling.

"Who's that from?" I whispered to mazz.

"I think shanti and ques" he whispered back. Then I heard a loud scream from the twins direction my instincts kicked in and I thought something was wrong.

But when I turned around Lexi was clutching and doll to her chest and screaming her head off. I rolled my eyes calming down.

Then I heard another scream come from Michael. There so over dramatic I thought and as if he read my mind mazz nodded in agreement.

50,000 gifts later the table was full of wrapping paper and all the kids had started playing tag outside. All the adults were either in here or in the living room talking.

"Hey I found another present" mazz said picking up a purple wrapped box.

"No surprise there were so many" I said walking over to him.

"Hmmm doesn't say who it's from?" I said turning the box over in my hands. Mazzi shrugged and I looked at ques Travis tiana and shanti for help they all shrugged just as confused.

"Oh well" I said beginning to tear the paper off of the box. But inside the box was another smaller box.

"Huh?!?" I said surprised and confused. Mazz then grabbed the smaller black box and got on one knee. I stood their still processing what was going on here I looked at my friends and they all had their cameras out recording and laughing and what not.

Mazz grabbed my hand causing me to look at him. My mouth hung open as he opened the box revealing a diamond ring 💍 it shined in the light.

"Oh my god" I whispered to myself. What in the actual fuck.

"I know I've done some stupid things and I know that this won't change that but I don't know the future.... and that's scares me the thought that someday in the future we may not be together scares me so I want to make this official so that I know that you'll never leave me and that I'll never leave you that's our beautiful family will always be together no matter what..." he trailed off my heart was beating so fast I felt my hand shaking in mazz's.

"Ever since I meet you you've always been someone who's there for me no matter how hard I'd try to push you away I looked around and there you were beautiful as ever and every time you smile or look at me I fall even more in love akira? Will you be my....wife?" He said nervously looking down at the ground. I felt a tear slip from my eye and I quickly wiped it with my free hand.

I lifted mazz's chin and kissed him on the lips causing him to stand up.

"Yes" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. I heard people all around us screaming and the flashes of cameras going off.

"That's my bestfriend!!!!" Shanti yelled jumping around happily.

"Ayee I see y'all" Travis yelled.

I blushed pulling away from mazz and looking at everyone.

"Now we gotta celebrate!!" Tiana said going to the kitchen. She came back with a big bottle of wine. I looked at mazz unsure about this he shook his head and laughed.

"Relax and have fun Alright" he said massaging my shoulders. I smiled softly to myself and relaxed in his arms.

"Look at them all engaged and stuff" ques said doing a handshake with mazz.

"You finally did it" tiana said to him.

"Yea finally" he laughed playing with my hair.

loved and lostOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora