Chapter twenty-two

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Akira's pov
I woke up early and took the twins to school and came back home and went to sleep. I woke up to the smell of food cooking.

It smelt good like breakfast but when I saw that mazzi was no longer next to me I knew it was him. I shook my head cooking breakfast to get out of trouble smart.

I got up and did my hygiene routine and walked downstairs. He was sitting down at the table eating.

"Morning beautiful" he smiled at me gesturing to the plate infront of him. I sat down in front of him.

"You think you smart don't you" I smiled picking up my fork. He gave me an innocent look.

"You still have explaining to do" I said raising  an eyebrow. He nodded.

"But You should eat first" he said I nodded and did as told we ate in silence and my thoughts consumed me. The one question I still had was who is pregnant and what the hell was he talking about. It was bothering me not to ask.



"Last night you mentioned something to me...about someone being pregnant" as what I said registered a look of fear spread across his face making me even more curious.

"What do you mean?" He laughed nervously.

"Yea we were in the car and you were like she's pregnant" I laughed trying to ease the tension in the room.

"But you wouldn't tell me who" I laughed but I was serious.

"Oh" he laughed a little to hardly

"I was kinda out of it last night... did I say anything else" he asked rasing his eyebrow.

"Nothing to important" I shrugged. Something was telling me he was lying but I ignored it.

"You have anything planned for today??" He asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"Nope I don't think so" I shrugged picking up the empty plates.

"You wanna go to the beach?" He asked standing up. I took the dishes to the sink and started washing them.

"Last time we went to the beach together you threw me off a cliff" I laughed he joined in.

"What if I promise not to throw you off any cliff's?" He said.

"Hmmm I don't know" I joked. I felt his arms go around my waist and he started kissing my neck.

"Mazzi" I whined. He continued.

"Alright alright fine I'll go" I laughed and turned and smiled at him. He smiled back looking me in my eyes before kissing me.

At the beach 🌴
"The twins are gonna flip if they find out we went to the beach without them" I laughed.

Mazzi put a finger to his lips and smiled.

"It's a secret" he whispered. I laughed and looked for somewhere to sit. We found a spot in the middle of the beach where not many people were.

"Remember that time you ate sand" mazz said sitting down next to me. I rolled my eyes playfully. I was in kindergarten don't blame me Alright.

"How did it taste again?" He joked.

"Ha ha so very funny" I said sarcastically.

I saw a flash from the corner of my eye and looked in the direction.

"Did you see that?" I whispered.

"See what?" He asked looking in the same direction. Another flash went off.

"That" I said.

"Paparazzi" I said looking back as him.

"Ohhhhh" he nodded a devilish smirk appearing on his face.

"Well if they wanna take pictures let's give them something to take pictures of" he shrugged before kissing me passionately.

I saw like a million other flashes go off. I pulled back smiling.

"Alright now we gotta get in the water" he said grabbing my hand. I shook my head no frantically.

"The water is cold" I whined.

"And...?" He said. I folded my arms fake pouting.

"I'm not going" I said. He laughed and grabbed my arm. Before I knew it he was carrying me to the water.

"Mazzi stop I'm serious stop" I screamed and laughed at the same time. He looked at me and smiled like this was funny.

"No no no no no no put me down please" I whined as he got closer to the water. I saw other flashes go off around us.

"My hair!" I said before I hit the water with a splash. My feet hit the sand and I stood up.

Mazzi was laughing his ass off in front of me. I mean mugged him.

"I said don't throw me"

"You said don't throw you off any cliff I didn't hear anything about water" he laughed hysterically. I smirked as he laughed.

I hopped on his back causing both of us to fall into the water and when we came up both of us were laughing.

"Oh so that's what we're doing now.. okay" mazzi said as he disappeared under the dark water. I stopped laughing and looked down at the water cautiously.

"Mazzi?" After I said that I was being picked up by my feet and I screamed scared for my life as I hit the water again.

I came out of the water and he was laughing again.

"Ow ow ow" i cried. He stopped laughing and looked concerned.

"What wrong?" He asked coming over to me.

"It's in my eye it hurts really bad ow" I said rubbing my eye.

"Oh I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to" He said touching my eye.

As soon as he got face to face with me I splashed water on him and he yelled. I swam away as fast as possible.

"Kira" he called wiping the water from his face I laughed trying to get away.

"Your a really good actress" he laughed.

"Well thank you" I said flipping my wet hair. Then I noticed he was getting closer so I swam father away and we splashed each other.

We had finally dried off and changed clothes. I put my hair up in a messy bun.

"That was fun" I sighed sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yuhp" Mazzi agreed starting the car.

"Alright were are we going now" I asked. He but his lip thinking for a moment.

"I know somewhere" he said smiling.

"So your not gonna tell me huh?" I asked smiling.

"Nope" he smirked at me.

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