😓🎉Chapter Ten😓🎉

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"Wait what??" He said running his hands through his hair.

"You mean to tell me I have a daughter" he said looking at me. I nodded curious of his reaction.

"Why didn't you tell me" he said anger back in his voice.

"When I went to tell you you were busy" I said with an attitude crossing my arms over my chest. He shook his head and looked down at his shoes.

"I'm her father" he said more to himself than to me.

He looked up at me smiling wich confused me because he also had tears streaming down his face.

"Scar?" I questioned unfolding my arms.

"Mommy!! Lexi woke me up" I heard Michael yell as he came running over to me. Scar looked at Michael then and Lexi then at me.

"Twins" I nervously smiled picking Michael up and sitting him in my lap. I turned my attention to him.

"I know I told Lexi to wake you up"

"But why" he whined wrapping his arms around me.

"Because I want you to meet someone" I laughed.

"I want to sleep" he whined putting his head on my shoulder.

"You always want to sleep" Lexi said running over to me.

She leaned up and whispered in my ear.

"Who is he??" She said but I'm pretty sure everyone in the room heard her. Scar laughed a little. I turned my attention back to scar.

"Uh...Scar this is Lexi and Michael" I said pointing to them both.

"Do you like basketball??" Michael asked sitting up.

"Yea do you like basketball??" Scar asked him. Michael smiled and nodded happily.

"Lexi Michael this is.....your dad" I say the words sounded weird coming out of my mouth.

The twins looked at each other puzzled.

"Really??" They said in unsion looking at scar.

"Yes" I nodded at them.

"Woah" Michael said now wide awake he sat down next to scar.

Scar hugged him and he hugged back oddly then lexi jumped on them both hugging them. I wanted to cry so bad right now to much was happening at once.

"Don't cry mommy" michael said smiling at me.

"I'm not crying baby" I said shaking my head.

"Can you two go play for a little while me and... your dad talk??" I asked again it sounded foreign to me like I was speaking another language.

"Okay see you later mommy" Lexi said hugging me.

"See you later daddy" she said hugging scar aswell.

Michael hugged us both befor running behinde lexi shouting something about an air plane.

I looked at him awkwardly.

"What are their last names?" He asked turning towards me.

"Alexis has my last name and Michael has yours and your name is on their birth certificates" I sighed.

"Why didn't you just tell me"

"I was mad at you... I still am very mad at you..."

"And I really just never wanted to see you again ever but the universe just had to throw something in the mix" I said talking to myself more than to him.

"I understand" he said.

"Well now that they know who I am I'm allowed to be apart of their lives right??" He questioned looking me in my eyes. I saw a worried expression.

"Of course... now that Michael knows who you are he'll stick to you and lexi adores you already" I said laughing a little. He smiled at me. As much as I wanted him away from me I couldn't do that to my babbies they deserve to have a dad.

"Thankyou" he said in a whisper.

"For everything" he sighed grabbing my hand.

"No problem" I said standing up. He stood aswell.

"I should get going" he sighed he seemed sad to leave.

"Yea I guess you should" I said walking him to the door.

"Lexi Michael come say bye" I said. They both came running down the hall. As soon as he saw them he smiled.

"See you later daddy" Lexi said hugging his leg.

"See you later princess" he said bending down to her height he hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"See you later daddy" Michael said hugging him around the neck.

"See you later all star" scar said hugging him tightly and kissing him on the cheek.

They both ran off to the play room again. I stepped outside with scar closing the door behinde me.

"I honestly can't thankyou enough" he said smiling looking at me.

"Stop saying thankyou" I laughed. He smiled.

"What?" I said nervously.

"Nothing..nothing it's just I haven't heard your laugh in a long time" he said more to himself.

"Thankyou" I said slightly blushing at the compliment.

"Wait can I get your number" he asked. I nodded as he handed his phone to me.

He didn't have a pasword so I just swiped. I went and put my contact in under kira to be subtle. And handed it to him.

"Thankyou" he said again.

"Say thank you one more time" I said laughing.

"Sorry" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"New rule you can't say thank you or sorry anymore okay" I smiled laughing. This reminded me of when we were kids I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay" he said laughing aswell. He walked down the stairs. He glanced back at me quickly. I saw a sad look on his face I honestly couldnt take seeing him sad.

"Scar wait" I said jogging over to him. He turned and looked at me.

I hugged him wrapping my arms around him tightly he hugged back even tighter.

"See you later" I said letting go of him. He smiled again.

"See you later" he said still smiling. I walked up the stairs to the house. I looked back to see him driving off he gave me a small wave and I waved back.

I walked in closing the door behinde me in shock. What in the actual hell just happend I thought out loud. I laid back against the door.

I walked down the hall to find the kids when I heard them talking. So I stopped to listen.

"Thats our daddy??" Lexi asked.

"Yea he's awsome he likes basketball" Michael said proudly.

"Woah now we have a mommy and a daddy" Lexi said.

"Awsome" they said in unsion. I laughed at their conversation.

"He called me a princess" Lexi said jumping around happily.

"And I'm a all star" Michael said jumping around as well.

"Wait what's an all star??" He said and they both stopped jumping.

"I don't know but its probably something cool" Lexi shrugged and they started jumping around again. I laughed again only those two.

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