Chapter twenty three

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A couple days later

"Michael turn your tv down" I yelled to him I've been listening to him watch paw patrol all morning plus Lexi was asleep next to me and she didn't need to wake up.

She had a bad dream last night and came in here and slept with me. I got comfortable and turned on the tv.

While I was watching Star my phone went off and and unknown number had texted me.
442-****: ask him about this

Attached was a picture of a positive pregnancy test.

"Huh?" I said out loud. Ask who? But I already knew the answer was mazz.

I screen shot the messages and sent them to him.

:you know anything about this?

I put my phone down confused as ever something was going on that I don't know about i just don't know what. That night when mazzi said "somebody" was pregnant and now this I have a feeling it's something I'm not gonna like.

Then my phone started ringing and mazzi's name popped up on the screen.


"Kira can we talk there's something I need to tell you" He said.

"Uh yeah when?" I said hesitantly.

"I'll come by uhh... tomorrow when the kids are at school Alright"

"Uh yeah sure" I said before hanging up. Now I know for a fact it's something I'm not gonna like.

Next day

"Coming" I yelled walking downstairs to the door. I opened the door and let mazz in He was playing with his hair which was never a good sign.

We walked into the living room and sat down as I turned in the tv.

"Sooo..." I said trying to break the silence.

"I don't know how to say this so imma just say it how it is" he said and he sighed heavily.

We sat in silence again for a minute or so.

"Briana is pregnant" he said no longer making eye contact with me.

I wasn't surprised I expected the worse and that was the worse. I felt my heart break into a million pieces and I felt my anxiety start to act up because I couldn't breath.

"What the hell do you mean" is what I wanted to say but instead I said.

"It's alright" I said said grabbing his hand.

"How could you be so stupid!"

"I'll be here for you no matter what okay" I said pulling him to me. He rested his head on my chest and he was breathing heavily. As much as I wanted to yell at him I know it took a lot to tell me that risking me leaving him.

"I'm sorry I'm really sorry" he said I lifted his head and looked him in his eyes.

"I love you" was all I said before kissing him. He kissed back and I ran my hands through his hair.

He put his head back in my chest and I comforted him we said nothing but we both understood the situation we were in.

And mazz now knew he was walking on thin ice.

Later that day

I picked the twins up from school and they were both tired so they were upstairs asleep. I was sitting in the living room just thinking about life and how I got here ironically I wouldn't have done anything different all the mistakes that happened got me here and here is a good place to be right now.

Mazzi's pov
Akira made me go talk to Brianna I honestly didn't want to but if she really is pregnant with my child I don't have to love her but I will love the child.

I knocked on the door impatiently it was freezing cold outside and all I wanted to do was go back to Kira and the twins.

"Coming!" I heard her yell.

"Oh it's you" she said as she opened the door.

"Did mykira get my message" she smirked. I stepped inside and she closed the door.

"Akira and yes she did" I said my arms folded.

"Mhmm she kicked you out right?" She said a devilish smirk on her face.

"Actually no she didn't" the smug look fell from her face. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"I don't want anything to do with you Brianna but that child is mine and I will go to doctors appointments and things like that and provide money but after the child is born I don't want anything to do with you"

"What do you mean it's our child not just yours and I don't want my child around that skank and her bad ass kids" I stepped closer to her and it took everything not to slap her.

"Don't talk about them like that your the bitch here and no matter what my child will
Be around it's family and if not I'll just take you to court" I said about to leave I had said all I had to say.

"You can't just leave me here" she said stepping to me.

"Actually I can call me when you have your appointment" I said before walking out. I got in the car and drove off feeling better now that everything had been said and done.

A month later
Akira's pov
" how has she not had any appointments?" I said while brushing lexi's hair.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out it's been a month" mazz agreed.

"When I was pregnant with the twins I had appointments every couple week" I said putting her hair into two puff balls.

"Mommy I look like Minnie Mouse" she said smiling at herself in the mirror.

"Look daddy" she shouted.

"Aww you look beautiful princesss" mazz said picking her up. She giggled as they started playing around.

"Mikey come here baby" I said he put down his toy truck and ran over to me sitting down in the chair.

All I really had to do was comb is hair and he was good to go.

"Okayyy you look fresh to death" I said and he began to smile.

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