Chapter 48: I'm Home

Start from the beginning

I pull out a paper and a pencil and start to write on it. I lay it across his chest for when he wakes up. He mustn't make any noise. None. I go through the rest of his things searching for his gun. The one he hid in here. I try to remember but it only brings pain to my head. As I look at the mirror, it comes to me.

I quickly turn behind me and get under his bed. I feel around it looking for his gun. I finally touch a cut in the mattress and dig inside. After a few seconds of searching I feel the gun and forcefully pull it out. I get up from under the bed. While I stuff the gun into the back of my pants I hear a crash from outside the room. My head sharply turns to the door. My heart races as i wait for someone to come in. After a while no one does. My heart doesn't stop racing yet it increases.

One gun in hand, the other in the back of my pants, I open the door and step outside it. I go down to the twins room. My heart aches at the possible things I might see. I finally twist the knob and walk inside. They lay in their cribs asleep. I let out a deep sigh. They're okay. They're okay. They are okay.

I leave the room and close the door. I take a few seconds to breathe. I finally compose myself and head to the very edge of the wall. I peak through to see Grayson still in the living room tied up. The glass from the coffee table is spread all across the floor. The shattered glass must've cut Grayson. He has a small cut above his cheek. Ethan remains unconscious.

"Where is she?!"

Grayson stays quiet. He doesn't look over to me knowing he'd give away exactly where I am. He hits Grayson across the face. I stop breathing for a moment. Blood spills from another cut on his cheek. My eyes start to get watery but I force the tears out. He hits him again and again. I cover my mouth not wanting to make any noise.

"Your useless" he grabs Grayson's bloodied face.

As his back is turned to me I take the opportunity to walk up to him. Quietly I place my gun to his head. He feels the pressure against the back of his head and sighs loudly before he chuckles. Why is this so funny to him?

"I'm home" he chuckles once more.

"This is not your home" I clench my jaw.

"Yes it is. It'll always be home. Especially with my daughter and son here. And my grandchildren" he turns to face me.

"We are not your kids. We never will be. Not after what you did to us! To me!" I slightly start to yell.

No. I need to keep my composure. This is what he wants. He wants to get to me. He wants to make me break. I can't give that to him. This is why Cameron brought him. Because he believed it'd get to me. That I'd break apart the moment I'd see him. That I wouldn't be able to pull the trigger. That's where he's wrong.

A loud bang fills my ears. Blood covers my face. I didn't even flinch. He lays there with a pool of blood surrounding him. Grayson sits there covered in blood, eyes wide open. He's trembling.

"I'm not scared" I say before I hear very faint sirens.

I cut Grayson from the ties and he scoots away from me and the blood that covers the floor. He mouths oh my god several times. He stares at the now cold body before looking back at me. His  breaths turn heavy and fast. His eyes roll into the back of his head before he passes out on the floor.

I sigh and shake my head. I should've told him to close his eyes. Yet it still wouldn't have changed the fact that I killed him.

A faint chuckle comes from the hallway. It immediately grabs my attention. I stand up holding the gun tightly. I blink several times trying to figure out if that was real or just a figment of my imagination. I hear another chuckle.

"I didn't believe you'd actually pull the trigger, you always seemed to be a daddy's girl to me" the light from the living room lights up the smirk across his pale face.

"At least now I won't have to deal with him anymore" he sighs.

"But, I've been thinking, will you actually pull the trigger with me?" He moves closer.

I feel my body start tremble. My breaths get heavier and faster.

"You're scared of me, aren't you?" He keeps moving towards me.

I say nothing. I hold the gun tighter as my palms begin to sweat. My throat goes dry. I can feel the blood being drained from my face. As my body tenses up he doesn't stop coming towards me.

"I'm quite flattered, no ones ever been as terrified of me as you" his smirk stretches out across his face.

"Pull the trigger, pull it, come one sweet cakes, pull it" he taunts me.

I can feel my lip quiver as I focus on how close he gets to me.

"Stop, don't come near me" I manage to say.

He doesn't listen. He takes more steps towards me.

"I said STOP!" I yell as I pull the trigger.

The bullet misses him by just a centimeter. My body trembles even more. The sirens get louder and louder until I see the colored lights outside the windows. I immediately drop the gun.

What am I doing?

I race out of the back door as he follows in pursuit. I look behind me to see him trying to catch up. I push myself to keep going. I eventually find myself in the woods. I trip over a tree stump. Everything goes black.

Ah were like one chapter away from the end. :,)

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