Chapter 33: Time

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My heart pounds against my chest as I run for my life not stopping to take a breath or to see where I am. I just run. My clothes bloodstained along with my hands and face. Tears streaming down my cheeks after what I just witnessed. Sweat and my hair stuck to my face not wanting to move. Nothing is what it once was. Nothing. I run and run without looking back. Not wanting to look back because of the pain that will overcome me if I do.  Nothing other than running crosses my mind. My heart racing faster than it has ever raced before. Every beat runs throughout my entire body not slowing down but getting after after each step I take. What once was adrenaline turned into pure hate and fear and love and all of these other emotions I felt coming over me all at once. Something I couldn't contain. It kept pushing me forward. It kept forcing me to go. My legs went numb under my body and I could no longer feel the pain, nor the feeling of being tired.

Things weren't supposed to become this way. I never intended them to get this way. Never. And yet they have.

My mind soon goes blank as all I can see are nothing but complete blurs as I speed past everything in my way. People stop to look at me with horror as I pass them by. I can't ask for help. No one in this world can help me. No one. Because I am truly alone. Truly and utterly alone. This is something I've always had to face alone. And yet every time I have come face to face with my fate I run.

That's all I ever seem to do. Run. That's what I'm doing now. But I'm running for a reason. I'm running to save them before they're gone. Before he destroys everything I've ever worked for. I can't let him take anything more than he's already taken. Not today. Not ever.

One month earlier

My head beats get more and more intense as I jump up from my sleep. I'd had another nightmare of him again. This was the third time this week. It not only gave off a feeling in my gut but a feeling I knew meant something as my instincts were almost never wrong. I held onto my pillow not wanting to let it go.

Looking over at my clock I grab my phone. It is 6:30 am. I tried to go back to sleep but after an hour I give up and just get ready.

As I start to undress myself in front of the mirror I keep my eyes on all of my scars. Everyone that has ever been placed onto my body. Some newer than others. Others more detailed. And one. This one truly showed who I was. It not only was the only one that was forced onto me but the one that I put up one myself at a point in my life in which I couldn't handle anything. The part of my life no one knew of. The dark side. As I had so many scars from my past knew one noticed the one that I had inflicted.

It showed a part of me I tried so hard to get rid of. A point of my life I was never happy. I had caused so much trouble. I refused to do what I was told. And due to my pain and selfishness I had nearly led him back to me after I had escaped the life I once had. I go over the scar. Directly underneath both of my breasts. It wasn't the only one as I had more on my thighs. But it was the one that I had inflicted in which I felt no pain. It was the deepest one and yet after all that I had experienced I was numb to this scar. I felt nothing. Not a single sting. As if I was on anesthetics.

Grayson not only embraced my scars and loved each and everyone with all that he had but he showed me how to love them even if he knew nothing of how I got them. He never pried. He knew when to stop and when to keep going. The only part of me he saw was the part I allowed him to see. I never hid anything from him except my past. It was the one thing I still wasn't comfortable in sharing with him. At least not at that time. I wanted to be the one to tell him yet another decision of my life was taken from me and forced upon me only leaving me to accept my fate.

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