Chapter 7: Before

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"Christina you're going to be late for school"

"I'm coming mom" I yell as I grab my bag.

I quickly run downstairs throwing my bag over my shoulder. It's my first day of sophomore year. Am I supposed to be excited? Because I'm not but at the same time I am.

I run to the bus as it barely arrives down the street. I get on and sit in a random seat. I stare out the window as we pass so many different houses. Some big, some small, some dark colored, others light colored, some mad of stone, and some made of wood. They all have one thing in common. They each hold a family that is not perfect, but perfect in their own way.

We finally arrived at school. Everyone rushed to get off of the bus first as if they all wanted to go to class. I was one of the first ones out. As I made my way to the doors someone ran into me.

"Geez watch where you're going" he says as he continues to run leaving me on the ground.

I get up and brush off any dirt off of my clothes. I continue to make my way to my locker. Other than getting ran into everything seemed normal.

After I put up my backpack I rush to my first period. Mr.Martinez was a fun teacher. He's my debate teacher. He wanted us to get fired up, but in a civil manner. His class is without a doubt the best class ever.

"So who's going to go first in the debate, the topic is are women less intelligent than men. I need one representative from the girls portion and one representative for the boys portion of the class" he says as he smiles.

He was very young for a teacher. He is in his early 20's, about 6 foot 4, and constantly hit on by most of the slutty girls in all of his classes. Girls who don't even have him for a class hit on him, thinking they have a chance.

"Christina can be our representative" Mandy smirks.

Fuck you bitch. I swear to god I hate her. She was (hence the word "was") my best friend all through elementary and most of middle school. Then she thought she was the shit in eighth grade because she got asked out by a boy she barely knew. She stopped talking to me after that for no real reason. She bullied me my first year of high school but everyone hated her. They still do but they act as if they actually like her. I'm just waiting for karma to come back around and bite her in the ass.

"Come on up, Christina" he gestures towards the stand.

"Logan you will be the representative for the boy factor" he adds.

Logan and I both lazily walk to the stands. I stand up straight while Logan slouches not giving two fucks if he won the debate or not.

"You both have 5 minutes to create your case, you will have no help from you teammates but you will be allowed to use your phones to gather research and those 5 minutes start now" he says as he starts the timer on his phone.


The day was finally over, I had won the debate in my first period. I didn't really think much about it, I means it's just a little debate between classmates. I only rode the bus to school, I liked walking back home. It calmed me.

"Hi" someone said from behind me.

I turned to face him. He was a senior. I had seen him around the school. But I didn't know him that well, or his name.

"I'm Cameron, mind if I walk with you?" He asked.

"Um sure I guess"

I wasn't that far from home, I always took the alley way because at the very end my house was right there. We continued to walk as we reached the alley.

"You're really pretty"

"Thanks I guess" I blushed.

"Like really really pretty" he said as he jumps in front of me making me stop.

"Thanks" I say as I try to go around him.

He pushed me against the wooden fence and held me there.

"So pretty" he said as he brushed his hand against my cheek.

"Please let me go" I cried.

He pulled down my skirt and panties. Tears ran down my face as he held my mouth closed keeping me from screaming. He forced himself inside of me as I continued to cry.

"I've been waiting to do this for a long time" he said.

"I've been watching you for a while" he added.

I cried until there where no more tears to cry. He finally let me go. I quickly pulled up my skirt and panties.

"Don't tell anyone" he smirked as he grabbed my arm.

He let go of me and I grabbed my things and ran. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't care if I was tired, I just ran.


"That was the first time he raped me" I sighed as I burry my face into my hands.

"What? Why aren't you telling Grayson?" Ethan asks.

"Because I need you to be there for him when he finds out. That man came back and raped 3 more times all within that year" I said as my eyes started to blur.

"Didn't you call the police?"

"The first time we did, then he came back, raped me again and told me never to tell anyone or else the next time he'd kill me" I explained.

"How did you go into witness protection?"

"After that year he'd left to another state, the FBI had gotten involved because he had raped and killed 3 other girls. They soon figured out I was the first girl he had raped, they put me into witness protection hoping I would stay safe until they would catch him"

"I'm guessing they never did" he sighs.

"The FBI says there were so close to catching him until he stopped, the case went cold and he went free" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry" he comforts me.

"Ethan it's been almost 2 weeks since I was raped"

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"I started throwing up last week, yesterday I took a pregnancy test" I stare at my hands.

"So, you-you're-" I cut him off,

"I'm pregnant" I say.

"How is that even possible?"

"I don't know" I sob.

He puts his arm around me. I place my head in his chest. I cry as he holds me close.

I am carrying the child of my rapist. The man that I love so much isn't the father. It would break him to find out I'm pregnant and he isn't the dad. How would I tell him I'm pregnant? How would I tell him that I know who my rapist is? How would I tell him that I've met my rapist before?

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