Chapter 25: Why Me?

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I sit down as I place the car in front of me on the table. My head spins. I try to think of every possible word that could be in this letter. What does he know? Why did he come back? Why is he doing this all over? Why won he leave me alone? Why did he keep mentioning "she" in Katy's letter? Am I that she? I try to piece my mind back together as I place my fingertips onto the seal. I slowly start to open it. My heart beats faster and faster. Almost as if it is going to come out of my chest. All I can feel is my heart. All I can here is my chest going up and falling back down as I try to breathe.

I take out the letter and set it onto the table still folded neatly. Setting the card onto the side, i run my fingers along the edges of the letter. I don't know if I am ready to read what he wrote. I don't think I'll ever be. But I have to. I need to. I unfold the letter and start to read from the top.

Dear Christina,

I know you have missed me dearly. I miss you, too. But the game of catch me if you can is not as exciting as I hoped. I thought you would have murdered me by now. But you have exactly proved my point that I've been trying to prove to you.
You. Are. Attached. To. Me.

It's so crazy. I thought you'd never be yet here we are. If only I could run my hands through your hair as I have before. If only I could rub my hands up and down your thighs as I have done. But sadly I can't.

I am finishing business. Things that need to be taken care of. You should know. You ran into my business at least 3 times already. You'd think I'd forget a fav like yours. Oh, no. I'll never forget your face. It is etched into my mind. A face that will forever be my favorite. I know ever single aspect about your face you may not even know. Like the beauty mark right underneath your left eye. Although it is covered by your beautifully long lashes, it is there. The way your nose scrunched every time you smile or laugh. I know things Grayson does not. Things he doesn't take the time to notice.

Maybe one day you will see that. You will choose me over him. Because I know you in ways he doesn't. In ways he won't ever know. We are meant for each other. I truly and deeply believe that. You were my first and I hope my last. I would've liked you to been my only but sadly you weren't. No other girl I've ever had has left an impression like you have. You are mine. Even if you don't realize it, you are mine. No other girl will replace you. I love you and you only. The only way to bring up together is to get rid of the obstacle. The one thing standing in the way of our love. You are mine, not his.


I freeze as the letter drops from my grasp to the very floor. Everything around me feels as if it's falling apart. My whole life just comes crumbling down. Everything. It all falls to the ground as a broken mirror. I stand there above the ruins of my life. Everything is worked for jumps out of my grasp to leave me with nothing. It all comes to me at once. My life was already collapsing but this one piece brought everything down in a matter of moments.

The rain outside the window pours harder and harder as it hits the glass. The only thing I can hear is the thunder striking ever few minutes. The rain pours more as time passes. It doesn't stop nor calm down. It just keeps going. Getting harder by the second.

I stare at the letter once more. The writing seems so familiar to me yet I can't seem to figure out why. Everything about the writing seemed off. Every letter is written perfectly. No mistakes. Perfectly written in pen. A deep black pen. No letter was misplaced or miswritten. It was all perfectly perfect. As if some one had spent hours trying to get each word perfectly. I place the letter on its other side and bury my face in my hands. I finally bring my head up to notice the small writing on the back.

P.s. Tell Christian and Christina I said hello.

The very few words tore at my heart. I stumble outside into the pouring rain. It hit my face harshly as I could barely feel it. In seconds i am soaked. I can't breathe. My heart starts to ache. The only thing I can feel is my heart breaking. It beats faster and faster as I try to catch a breath. I can barely get a breath down my throat let alone yell. Yet I finally yell. The only words that could come out. The one words that I can think of.

"Why me?"

Nothing feels okay. Nothing.
Everything has truly fallen apart.

Hi guys agh my schedule is honestly terrible, I'm stuck with so much hw and school work and sports, but I'll post as much as I can.

Hope y'all understand💗

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