Chapter 9: Truth

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"I need you to run a background check on Ella"


"I feel like she isn't telling us everything" I explain.

She's hiding something from us and I don't know why or what it is. This case has to be rock solid before we go to court. Or before we find him at least. He hasn't raped since Ella. That was 5 weeks ago.


"Hey, I think you need to see this" she yells over to me.

"What did you get?"

"So when I did a background check on Ella I couldn't find anything so I went farther back, Ella didn't exist until she was 16"

"Her real name isn't Ella, run her face with facial recognition" I sigh.

Why would she not tell me who she really was? I am here to help her. Why did she lie to me? What is she hiding?

"Fin go see if you can get anything else out of Ella, like her real name" I order.

"Got it" he says as he gets his coat as he stands up.


"Hey, I got something"

"What did you get?" I say as I walk over to her desk.

"So I ran her face through facial recognition and turns out she's not Ella Braille, she's Christina Hernandez" she explains as she looks over to me.

"Did you run her a background check?"

"Yes, and turns out she was put into witness protection when she was 16" she says.


"She was raped when she was 16, she went to the police but she then recanted her story"

"Why would she do that?" I ask.

"Th FBI got involved, turns out Christina was our perps first victim since then he's raped and murdered nearly a hundred victims across the country and she was his only living victim" she looks up at me.

"Get Ella or Christina in here now" I bark.

I march to my desk and sit down. I run my temples in frustration. She should've of told us she was a victim once before. But why did she recant her story. It makes no sense.

Unless, he raped and threatened her again. But why do he stop raping. Maybe he knows she's pregnant. He could be stalking her. If she doesn't tell me everything I can't help her. She has to be truthful with me. If she doesn't I can't protect her.

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