Chapter 41: Mine

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Blah I might hate this chapter but I've been thinking about doing one like this FOR A LONG TIME. And now here I am finally making a chapter from his point of view. God I feel like I'm going to hate this aaahhh.
Warning: this shit might be offensive so please don't hate I'm just doing it from his point of view. Aahhh! Here we go.....


"Name and ID please"

"Here you go" I hand him my fake ID.

"Okay. Go right on in Christian" the door buzzes as it open allowing me in.

"Right this way. He doesn't get any visitors. Why are you visiting him? Especially after everything he's done" the guard asks leading me to his cell.

"Unfinished business" I say.

"Well here we are"  he unlocks the cell letting me in.

"Yell when you're ready to go" he says before walking off.

"Who are you?" He looks up at me with his darkened green eyes.

"Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez. I am Cameron. That's really all you need to know. I must say I admire you. The pain and suffering you inflicted on your children their entire childhood. I must say you are ruthless. I like that about you"

"What do you want?" He asks.

"When I first laid eyes on your daughter she looks so ripe. But I had her sadly, she wasn't untouched. As young as she was it was obvious who got to the fruit before I did" I look at him.

He stays silent not denying my accusation.

"You're not even denying it. Of course you touched her. She is so beautiful. And her body matured at such a young age. The only thing I don't know, is whether or not her mother knew what you were doing to her" I place my thumb upon my lips.

"No one ever knew what went on in that house" he smirks.

"I'm guessing not even Christian knew"

"No one knows. Except you. Now tell me what do you want?" He says standing up.

"To get you out of here" I smile.

"And why would you do that?"

"Because you and I have one common goal"

"And what is that?"

"To hurt Christina and Christian. Christina is living live luxuriously. She has two children and is with someone she loves. Sadly that will come to an end. So what do you say? Ready to finally get out and get vengeance on the very people who put you here?"

"More than you'll ever know" he gives me a smirk.

"Well than, be prepared to leave within the next week" i start to walk out.


"What?" I turn to face him.

"Why do you want to hurt her?" He asks.

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