Chapter 28: Hello

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Day 246. It's been 246 days. 246 days since I've last seen my babies. Since I've seen Grayson. 246 days since my life was once again ripped away from me. Torn from my very grasp. 246 days since I found out I was blessed with the two most beautiful children in the world. I couldn't have asked for anything other than them. Just remembering their smiles keeps my life together. Remembering Grayson's smile keeps me sane.

I used to think what if I never met Grayson. What if I had walked into that diner that day? What if I had gotten there right when he was leaving? What if a tall cute guy didn't walk up to me and ask for my number? What if I hadn't rejected him? What if he hadn't gotten so persistent? Maybe Grayson wouldn't have jumped in to be my hero. Maybe he never would have offered to sit with me. Maybe we never would have met. Never would have fallen in love. Never would have had the beautiful bouncing babies we have now. I can remember every detail from that night. Literally every detail.


I push past the old glass doors and make my way to the booth I've always sat in. It was the only booth that I had actually sat in. I pull out my book and begin to read it. The Odyssey by Homer. I read every word as the smell of burgers and fries fill the air. Over the part where Polyphemus, the cyclop, eats 2 of Odysseus' men. Soon my appetite starts to go away little by little. A rancid taste of vomit lays on my tongue just thinking of men being torn apart and eaten.

Waiters roll by in gold colored skates and a light pink colored dress. The aroma of burgers fill my nose and my desire to get one. Tina my usual waitress skates to my table and pulls out a pad and pen.

"Your regular, a cheeseburger with no onions, mustard, and ketchup, with fries and a chocolate milkshake coming right up" she smiles at me.

Tina's beautiful natural ombré hair sways as she leaves. I admire everything about her. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, her eyebrows, and most importantly her makeup. As I lose my train of thought Tony walks up to me. He smiles the toothy grin he always smiles. I roll my eyes hoping he'll go away. I heard the rumors about him but I never knew if they were true or not. One was that he beat his last girlfriend. He forced another into sex. Another was that he made a sex tape. But his rich daddy always got him off the hook. White privilege.

"Baby girl, whatcha doing here?"

"Trying to get away from you" I start to pack up my stuff.

"Come on don't be like that" he grabs my arm.

"Get your hands off me"

"I said don't be like that" he clenches his teeth along with my wrist.

He pulls my wrist towards his face as he stares into my eyes with a burning fire bringing me closer to him. His other hand makes its way down to my hips.

"Hey, let go of her" a guy in a tan hoodie and white sweats yells pushing him off of me.

"What the hell" Tony screams.

"Don't ever touch her again" he clenches his perfectly chiseled jaw.

Never in my life have I seen a boy so perfect. His muscles were bulging. His eyes were fierce and sweet. His lips so perfectly shaped. His eyes. Oh, his eyes as if the were sculpted by God himself. How they could seduce me from a mile away. He stood taller than Tony. They both stared each other daring the other to make the first hit.

"Do you know who I am?" Tony whispers.

"I suggest you leave or we can take this outside" he responds.

He obviously could beat the shit out of Tony. He has about 6 inches on him. Tony's got no chance of winning if he does.

"See you later hot cake" he glances over at me before he leaves.

"Thank you for that" I say before sitting back down.

"No problem, mind if I sit with you?" He smiles.

My heart skips a beat. I gesture for him to sit.

"Hungry?" I ask.

"A little" he tries to contain his smile.

"This place has the best burgers in town, although I'm a pizza person I still recommend these burgers" I hand him a menu.

"I'll take your advice"


There was nothing more perfect than that day. We connected. I truly fell in love with him that day. We're meant to be. I'm not letting anyone take that away from me.

I pull out my phone and start to dial a number from memory. I bring the phone to my ear as it rings.

"Hello?" He asks.

"It's Christina, I need your help"

Hmm I wonder who he is🙂
But anyways my story has 2k reads, I'm so happy, thanks to all my readers💗

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