Chapter 31: Always

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The rain pours. The sky darkens. The smell of water stays in the air. And I stand only 2 feet in-front of the door soaking wet. I hesitate and take in deep breaths. I've been waiting to be home for nearly more than a year. And now here I am. I don't know how but I am. I finally build up the courage and reach over to the door.

I knock on the door lightly not knowing whether or not to just go in. Finally the door slowly starts to open. My heart starts to race. As soon as I see his face I jump into his arms. Holding him tight I start to cry. All the pain and suffering I've been through and put him through has finally ended. We can finally start our life together. Bursting into sobs he holds me tighter refusing to let go of me once again. We stand there for what seems like forever. And for once in my life I feel happy.

"I love you so much" he sobs into my shoulder.

"Every day I was away this moment was what kept me going" I cry.

"I'm never leaving you, ever"

A sense of security washes over me. His scent fills my nose and I long to keep holding onto him. His arms comfortably wrap my waist. His non shaven face rubs against my neck. I finally bring myself to let go and press my lips against his. The softness of his lips caress mine. Tears streaming down both of our faces we finally pull our lips apart and press our for heads against each other.

"I never want to be apart from you ever again, Christina Hernandez"

He slowly gets down on one knee one hand still holding mine and the other reaches into his back pocket.

"I love you with all of my heart and I can't bare to lose you again. Will you ma-"


"Wake up, can you please wake up? You never wake up on time"

"That's not my fault, I've always been the heavy sleeper in the family, genes" I sigh.

"Sure, get up already"

"What time is it?" I ask I rub my eyes.

"8:30" he answers.

"You know I'm perfectly fine waking up at 10 every morning" I groan.

"Okay don't eat my amazing banana pancakes and fruits, omelets, papas, and licuado" he shrugs.

"I'm up, I'm up" I frantically throw my self out of the bed.

A casual Mexican American breakfast. Nothing is better than that. Grayson refused to eat my Mexican breakfasts for a while when we first dated. A very picky fuck he was. Then he finally had a try and it was the best part of every morning for him.

My eyes start to get watery and my nose starts to burn as I try to hold in my tears. I sit down staring at the table hoping I'd get to see Grayson again. Christian wraps his arm around me in comfort. He holds me tight for a few moments until he finally lets go and kisses my head. I faintly smile.

"I know you miss him, but you'll be running into his arms by the time we finish what we are doing here" he assures me.

"Honestly, I just want to see him. Christian I love him so much. You have no idea" my head starts to fall.

"I know, you love him unconditionally. You'd do anything for him, anything at all. And if he asked you to, move away with him, wherever, you'd always say yes."

"Of course id do anything for him. I love him. And he could break my heart a million times and I would still run back to him in a heartbeat. But the only one breaking hearts is me" I find myself starting to cry.

Christian leans on the table and grabs my chin to look at him.

"You're hurting him because you love him. And that's how you know you truly love him. Because you'd sacrifice your life to make sure he's protected and safe. And for your kids, too. I don't think I know anyone else who could handle this situation any better than you have. That's what makes you so strong. You'd give up anything for the people you love. And even though I haven't met him, I know that's the reason he fell so hard for you" he smiles.

Tears stream down my face. Only one thing comes to mind. And that's being back there with him. Holding him close as we take care of our babies. I see myself in a life we will build together. And maybe hopefully that life will be here soon.


I check the time. 12:30 pm. I stare at the blank paper sitting in front of me. I grab my pen and start to spew out everything that I've held in for so long. Everything that I want him to know. Every single word I know he'll hold onto so dearly. I know it'll help him make it through everything that's happened. He needs to know how much I love him. How much I would suffer for him. How I would do anything in the world to keep him with me. He needs to know that I think of him every single moment of every single day. He needs to know that I'm going to come back. Not now, maybe not next week, maybe not next month. But I am going to go back. I'll always find my way back to him. Always.

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