Chapter 19: Attached

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I'm hurting so much. I can't make it stop. I don't want them to suffer like I am now. I have to get that bastard. I have to. I don't have any other choice. If I did I'd be at home with my sweet little babies. I miss them so much. But this is all for them. It'll always be for them. I don't care what lengths I have to go to, to stop him. I'll go to hell and crawl my way back for them. I'd put my life at risk for them. I don't care how many deals I have to make with the devil, I'll do it for them. I'll always do it for them.

The coffee pours into my mug as I sit there and stare at the papers I had been writing on for weeks. Every single last one of his victims starting with me.
Year 2017;
Christina Hernandez, Katherine Marly, Regina Becca, Katy Stewart, Maria Hernandez, Lacey Evans, Ruby Jones, Mackenzie Quinn, Caroline Smith, Carina Johnson, Alexandra Daniels, Daniella Williams, Donatella Jones, Estefania Brown, Francesca Davis, Gabriella Miller, Jacqueline Wilson, Leonora Moore, Coretta Taylor, Marcella Anderson.
Year 2018;
Irene Lacey, Martina Marge, Mia Aviles, Karly Ellen, Anna Bella, Rose Stevans, Elizabeth Smith, Susan Chang, Evangeline Thomas, Genevieve Jackson, Josephine Harris, Madeline Martin, Penelope Garcia, Theodora Thompson, Valentina Martinez, Virginia Robinson, Claudette Clark, Lynette Rodriguez, Nicolette Lewis, Belinda Lee.
Year 2019;
Kiana Black, Harley Mendez, Isabella Lyon, Martha White, Beatriss Stool, Carly Madison, Kira Abbot, Anna Baker, Belva Walker, Clarabelle Hall, Ellabelle Allen, Aloutte Young, Emma King, Olivia Wright, Sophia Scott, Ava Adams, Abigail Green, Emily Baker, Charlotte John, Amelia Campbell.
Year 2020;
Hailey Endo, Fatima Mine, Unique Beathen, Selma Prada, Kimberley Rosas, Melissa Sanchez, Kristen Mary, Anastasia Cameron, Evelyn James, Avery Stewart, Grace Cooper, Victoria Davies, Aubrey Hughes, Scarlette Harrison,  Zoey Foster, Addison Russel, Lily Shaw, Natalie Richardson, Hannah Bailey.

That was only 4 years of nearly 6 years. There's a pattern. He raped 20 times every year. Twenty. Why does that sound so familiar. That day. That was they day he raped me. February 20, 2017. They all have a 2 in it. February is the second month of the year. 2 in 20. 2 in 2017.

Two. Two. Two. Why 2? I skim my hands over the list looking back at the second victims for every year. The first year, Katherine Marley. The second year, Martina Marge. The third year, Harely Mendez. The fourth year, Fatima Mine. The fifth year, Bailey Mason. The sixth year, Angie Montgomery.

Marley. Marge. Mendez. Mine. Mason. Montgomery. The letter M. Why do they all start with M? Marge? Margery. My moms names was Margery. My witness protection mother. Why her? He was taunting me. This whole time. He was taunting me and I didn't even realize it. He knew where I was the whole time I was in witness protection. He could've killed me. But he didn't. Why? This doesn't make any sense.

He-he-he can't kill me. Because. Because he loves me. But why? I run my hands over my temples feeling frustrated. I grab my mug of coffee and drink it. It burns my throat and tongue as I swallow it but I barely even feel it. I drink until the mug is empty. I know where he's going now. He likes to revisit every place he raped me. The second place he raped me was at the movies with friends. I went to the bathroom alone and he raped me. I was so fucking dumb for going alone.

The US Cinema. That's where he'll be. I registered for a gun last week. The permit is legal and I have the gun. I want him dead. And I won't stop until he is dead. They'll give him 20 to life in prison and he'll get out in 25 with good behavior. He doesn't deserve that. It's too good for him. He deserves to go to hell. I'll make sure to put him there.


"One ticket for the movie Him"

"10.50" he says as I hand him the money.

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