Chapter 46: Moments

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I try to make sense of the previous events but I get nothing. I can't think straight. Why can't I think straight? And then I remember.

I run to the nearest hospital. The moment I barge through the front doors everyone stares at me with wide eyes trying to figure out what had happened to me. I run to the front desk.

"Where is he?" I look her dead in the eyes.


"Grayson Dolan"

One week earlier

"How are we going to stop him? We can't sit back and wait forever Christian. For gods sakes I have kids to worry about. You know how much I hate waiting like sitting ducks. It's hunting season" I rub my temples.

"Please don't compare us to animals. We're much too evolved to be compared to animals"

"Yet we are. We are animals. You and I both. We always have been and always will be. We may be of a higher intellect but we have the same mindset. It's either fight or flight for both animals and us. And right now we're doing neither. I need to do something. I'm tired of waiting!" I slightly raise my voice at him.

"We have to wait. It's the best thing we can do right now" he sighs.

"The best thing? The best thing! You've got to be fucking kidding me! We are practically waiting for a physco son of a bitch to come and find us! I'm not going to play hide and seek with the bastard that ruined my life! And you sure as hell won't either!" I yell and storm out of the house.

I drive down the street trying to keep my eyes on the road but I'm much too distracted and angry to stay focused. I look at myself in the mirror. I stare at every feature that's been carved into my tanned face.

Of everything I've been through I'm too tired of waiting for the storm to get to its worst then go back to being normal. Even then it'll leave a trail of disaster letting us know it was once there. If we don't attack the situation now then it will forever be a problem. I refuse to let this grow into more than it should have been. It's something that should have stayed in my past. It never should have followed me but it did. It stuck to me like gum. Now it refuses to let go.

I pull into Pop's Diner and take a seat at the booth. I look around to see the faces of the people who are here. No one I recognize. Pop walks over to me with a large smile plastered across his face.

"Well, what brings you back here?" His old scrappy voice fills my ears.

"So much drama. I'm pretty sure you've seen the news" I stare down at my hands.

"Sadly I have" his smile fades as he takes a seat across from me.

"Being back here brings back the good memories of my life. The part that I didn't have to worry about what was going to happen next because I had it all figured out. But now, now I don't even know what my future holds. What'll happen. Right now is a part of my life that I can't seem to control" I sigh.

"You know, I remember the first day you walked through those doors. You marched on in here with a book in your hands and the biggest smile I've ever seen on someone's face. You took a seat at that booth, right over there," he points to a booth across the diner,

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