Chapter 21: Coming Back

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Washington D.C. is as amazing as people say it is. It's filled with life. So many people going somewhere. So many people trying to be someone. It's crazy how one can try so hard to be someone they're not. But I mean that's just life. That's how everyone is. Everyone wants to be noticed. Everyone wants to be loved. Washington D.C. Of all the places I thought I'd be in in Washington. Crazy how life goes and where it takes you. I'd imagine in be home right now with Grayson. Holding him in my arms as we laughed about Ethan's poor sense of style. I'd never believe I'd be here, right now in this very moment. But I guess life just takes you where you need to be.

I strut down the sidewalk to make my way towards Katherine Marley's very large home. It is beautiful. Two stories high with patios, made of a white colored stone. I walk to the front door and notice it's left open. Why is it open? I push it open more to reveal broken glass, blood, and furniture thrown out of place. I hold onto my bag and make my way inside. I carefully walk around the blood and glass not wanting to make any noise to alert someone that I'm here. I can hear crying from upstairs. I slowly make my way to the stairs as I feel my heart beating as fast as it possibly can. My hands start to sweat so I run them against my dress. I take deep breathes in hope to calm myself down. I make it to the top of the stairs. The crying gets louder as I get closer to the room. I pull my gun from my bag and hold it in front of me not knowing what or who I might find.

I slowly walk to the door noticing a bloody handprint on the edge of the door. I slowly open it and aim my gun. She stares at me covering her naked and bloody body with a bed sheet. Tears streaming down her eyes. Her blue eyes are now bloodshot from crying. Stands of hair stuck to her face as she cries. I walk towards her. Unable to keep my eyes from hers. I sit down next to her and hold her in my arms as she cries. She might not know me but I know what she's been through. I know she thought the pain was all over but it isn't. If only I'd been here sooner. I could've stopped it. I could've helped her.

Her blood smears onto my dress and skin but I do not care. She needs me ,right here right now. She's been through enough pain. She's just like me. Placed into witness protection, forced to leave all she once knew to protect herself and her family. She forced herself to be someone she didn't know she could be. She wanted to forgot of her past. Making something of herself was the way she did it. Work keeps her from remembering the pain. I understand her. She is who she is because she was forced to be this way. Most rape victims let go of themselves but us, we can't. We have to strive for success to forget the pain he's put us through.


"Who are you?" She rubs off blood from her bloodstained cheek.

"I'm just like you, that's why I came here, hoping maybe I could catch him" I stare at my hands.

"Why?" She hands me a cup of hot tea.

"He raped me a months ago, I got pregnant. I had crashed and my babies were born prematurely. They aren't his. But he doesn't know that. I can't let him hurt them" I explain before I sip the scorching hot tea as it burns my tongue. But I barely feel the pain.

"What's your name?"

"Christina Hernandez, well it used to be anyways, my name is Ella Braille"

"I was Marla Christine, but now I'm Katherine Marly. I was put into witness protection, too" she stares at her cup of tea.

"How many more are there?" She looks me in the eyes wanting to cry.

"More than 100, and I was his very first, that makes you his second"

"Oh my god" she rubs her face with her hands as she turns around placing her hands on the counter.

"All this time I thought there were just 3 others, but-" she pauses.

"There are more than a hundred" she says in disgust as she clenches her teeth together.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I have to go to the police" she frowns.

"They won't be much help, why do you think I'm going after him"

"I just know that I can't hide who I was anymore"she explains.

"I can't either"


I sit at the table and pull the list of names in front of me. I grab a red pen and cross her name off along with mine. He's going after the next one. I have to stop him before he hurts them again. He doesn't deserve to live. I could've stopped him when I had the chance but I didn't. Why didn't I? I don't even know the answer to my own question. I want to make him pay. I want him to suffer like I have. He doesn't get to ruin lives more than he already has. Not anymore.

I look over the list looking for his next victim. Regina Becca. Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Current address, Los Angeles, California. I take in a deep breath knowing I have to go back home to find her. Anything to stop him. Maybe if even get to see my babies. And Grayson, too. Or just the twins. I haven't seen them since they were born.
I'm coming back.

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