Chapter 21.

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Jade's POV:

I was at home watching celebrity's under water. When the door bell rang.

"Could you get that jade?" My mother yelled from up the stairs.

I sighed, made my to the door. I opened the door to see beck stood outside in the storm.

"Hey." He said with a smile. "Could I come in? It's raining cats and dogs out here." Beck said. I sighed again before stepping out the way so he could enter my house.

I slammed the door shut.

"What do you want?" I asked folding my arms over my chest.

"To apologie." He said. " I know you don't get along with tori, and I'm sorry I had to work with her for a school play. And I'm sorry about the stage kiss. I did ask Sikowits to leave it out but he disagreed and threatened to give me an F. I'm sorry." He said looking into my eyes.

Well to bad he's done that to me once already and I forgave him. But this time I'm not!

"I don't care about your apology." I snapped.

"Jade baby please." Beck begged.

"Don't baby me!" I growled. "I forgave you the first time! I'm not making that mistake again! You blew it!" I yelled "now get the hell out of my house."

He stood there tears forming in his eyes. "I love you! Can't you see that? I won't give up till I have you again jade. I shall always fight for you. No matter if you were right or wrong. You complete me. I love you to death! Please, just give me a chance." He begged, tears flowing down his gorgeous face.

I want to grab him and kiss him like no tomorrow. Those words did something to me. Maybe I should forgive him? Maybe... but it's just too soon?

"Maybe, But it's to soon, now get out." I said pushing him back into the rainy night slamming the door behind me, instant regret filling every inch of my body.

I can't do this to him, to me.

I swung open the door, and ran out into the pouring rain, I ran up to beck, his eyes lit with confusion. I instantly pressed my lips onto his warm ones. His hands quickly wrapping round my waist, as I wrapped mine round his neck.

We were beck&jade again. And nothing could stop us.

Long time no see.... ha ha 😅 new update! Hope you liked it! Byeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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