Chapter 15

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Jades POV:

Me and beck are on my way to visit buddy and lucky. We are taking them home today!

Since the car accident me and the dogs had witnessed a few months ago. The old man who called for the ambulance to take me to the hospital, took care of buddy and lucky for me. I'm glad they stayed with the old man instead of my parents. Because my dad hates them. My mum got them for us as a family pet. But my mum got caught up in work and my dad couldn't give a shit so I looked after them.

"Babe where's the next turn in?" Beck asks me.

"Um..." I say looking around. "Turn left then right and his house is at the bottom of the road." I say

"Kay." Beck says and follows my instructions.

We park the car and walk to the old mans front door.

The walls were dark brown and the front door was red with a black door bell stuck on the wall.
Just below my feet was a door mat. It said welcome. This place sorta creeped me out. Not that much.

I press the door bell, and we hear the sound of the bell

Bing bing!!

After a few seconds the door opened with a creaking sound. The door only opened a tad, just revealing the old mans face.

"Who is it?" The old man said in a dull concerned voice, peeping through the small gap in the door.

"Um..." I hesitated. "Its jade, in the owner of The dogs your looking after." I say as beck holds my hand.

"Oh that's right, your the Girl that got hit by the car." He says in a more friendly tone.

"Ye that's me." I say half smiling.

"Come in come in." He says opening the door fully and gesturing for me and beck to enter.

We step inside and follows the old man to the living room. There's grey carpet black shelfs and draws with an old fashioned boxed by say on the chest of draws.  The sofas was black and the walls were a light grey colour.

"So how are you? There's been a lot of gossip going around town." He says as he sits down in the arm chair opposite the couch me and beck are sat on. And the white coffee table sat in between us.

"Excuse me mr, what Gossip do you mean by gossip?" Beck asks puzzled, while brushing his hand through his hair.

"Have you heard? Everyone around town is saying that you here jade, jumped in front of the car itself." He says, and I raise my eyebrow.  "And please do call me Douglas." He says. Me and beck nod in agreement.

"But that's stupid why would I jump in front of the car? Especially with the dogs?" I say.

"I don't know, I don't agree with them. But anyway speaking off dogs. Buddy and lucky have been missing you like mad!" Douglas said standing up.

"Aww have they?" I say as a smile made its way onto my lips.

"You bet they have. There in the back. Follow me." He says, me and beck stand up. And beck puts his arm around me neck and kiss me close to his body.

We follow Douglas into the backyard. It's a big garden. Lots of green and a pond in the middle and a BBQ in the corner.
Douglas whistles with his fingers and then I see buddy and lucky running towards him.

They changed directions when they saw me. They ran over to me and jumped on me making me fall to the ground. They start licking my face lots and wagging their tales like crazy! I've missed them so much.

"Hey boys." I giggle. "I've missed you too." I say trying to calm them down while trying to stand up, until Beck grabs my arm and helps me up.

"See I told you they would have missed you." Beck says with a smile.

I say nothing and smile to myself.

"Umm. We can't thank you enough for looking after them when you didn't need to. You've been such a big help." Beck starts. "But you don't have to worry about looking after them anymore. Jade insisted on paying you for helping us." Beck says while I pass him $10,000 I took from my dads safe.

"I can't expect this. It's way to much. I don't need any money. Just as long as I know I've helped that's fine by me." Douglas says passing the money back to us.

"No take it. Please." I beg until he finally gives in.

"Fine! Only because you want me too." He says.

"Well we've got to make a move now." Beck says.

"Thank you for  looking after these crazy things." I say.

"No problem any time." Douglas says showing us out the door.

I open the trunk to beck's truck and let buddy and lucky jump into it. I close the trunk door and get in the passengers seat next to beck. And he starts driving off.

Sorry it's a short chapter. Next chapter coming soon! I'm working on it.♥️ I've also started a new book as I've got ideas for a new story. I just couldn't wait aha😂 but if you want to go read it, it's called "lost without you..." it's a bade story and yeh I hope you like that book too. If you want me to write a book about whatever I will just leave it in the comments as long as it's to do with victorious 😂♥️

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